Stadium |
12.- Stadium: This option allows you to perform all actions as to your stadium you can see all the constructional works that are being performed now. The amount of attendance you will have in your stadium is based on: the status of objectives, the current win/loss chain, the mood of your supporters, position in the league of your team and your opponent, the confidence on the trainer. It's important to know that in the best conditions possible you will have an attendance of 6 times the amount of fans. Bear in mind that this is just an estimation. If the conditions are bad on the other hand, the expected amount of attendance is worse. This information will help you to know the reaction of your supporters on your management. So it's not advisable to just enlarge your stadium with the idea that everything is going to be fine. Studying those parameters it won't be too hard to be able to come up with the best stadium size at the moment.
12.01.-Modify seats: Here you can do works in your stadium; by now you can only enlarge and reduce the seats in your stadium. It is important for you to keep in mind that it makes no sense to have an enormous stadium without enough fans and vice versa. Using logic when doing an extension, you must know that the foundations of a house are needed before having the roof. So, according to this premise, when enlarging your stadium, the foundations will be the towers and the lower level. That is, if you want to enlarge the east side (on the right), you will have to make sure that the ring is completely finished and ready to be build upon. This means the side you want to build, and the flanking towers, must have a complete ring built. The towers need to have a second ring if you want the east side to have a second ring. Following the previous example, we are saying that when building the seats in the 2nd ring on the east side (on the right), you need to have to build these things: the whole 1st ring in the east side and also the two towers next to the east side (A and C) in their 1st and 2nd ring. According to this logic, you cannot build the 3rd ring in tower A without having built in the same tower the 1st and the 2nd ring previously.
12.02.-Works done: You can see here a list of all the construction works that have been done in your stadium, enlargements and reductions, with the number of seats and date of completion of each work so that you can see all the changes that your stadium has underwent since you're the manager of your team.
12.03.-Ticket Prices: Next!!!
12.04.-Ends: You have the following sides; the South Side (along tower A and B) and the North side (along tower C and D). It's important to know which tower leans on which side to know the order of building your stadium in case you want to extend it.
12.05.-Sides: There are two sides; the left side on the west (leans on tower A and C) and the right side on the east (leans on tower B and D). It is important to know which tower leans on which side to know to know the order of building your stadium in case you want to extend it.
12.06.-Towers: There are four towers. Unlike the sides and ends to be able to construct towers amphitheaters you only need to have ended the lower amphitheater to the new project.
12.07.-Amphitheater: These are the 3 maximum heights that the stadium can have in the towers, sides and ends. Thus, the 1st ring is the height number 1; the 2nd is height number2 and the 3rd is height number3; so, to build the 3rd one you need the 2nd and the 1st and so on.
12.08.-VIP Boxes : Only and exclusively when you have built the 3 rings, you could build in the sides and ends a 4th ring called VIP boxes. These ‘seats’ have a higher price than the other rings and if you manage to fill them completely, you will increase your income. Also, the building prices of these seats are not connected with the rest of the stadium.