ProFurgol live |
14.- ProFurgol live: From here you may follow up to a maximum of 10 matches live, as long as these are in play or about to start. To make yourself an idea, this section of the game works like a tv, a tv that is capable of showing up to 10 matches at a time, what for?, so you can follow your own match, the matches of your mates or new friends made in ProFurgol, or even your rival´s matches. How? The following lines will explain how and when you can add matches to your virtual tv. Certainly it´s not a tv, it works more like a radio, but this similarity has been chosen so you can understand the meaning of this section. Also, you must know that to make it easier for you to follow what happens in every match and not make it hard work searching for info, only the last event of each match chosen is shown. That way only one event per match is displayed, making the vision of our "tv" much more simple and direct.
14.01.-When? : To add a game to ProFurgol live it doesn't matter whether the match is yours or not, whether it's played in your country or not... etc... You can add matches from 30 minutes of kick off.
14.02.-How? : Adding a live match is very simple. In every match page a blinking "ON-LINE" image appears. To add a match you have to click in this link and the match will be added automatically to your list of Profurgol Live matches. You can't follow more than 10 matches though. This can be done by going to the info page of the team. On the right you will find a link saying:"interesting links" search the match and click the ON-LINE image.
14.03.-Advice: If you're a VIP USER you can click on this link in your personal folder, in this way it's easy to keep track of your friends instead of using the search function each time. Don't hesitate... become VIP!