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Official guide ProFurgol.com
.: Full version :.
- Introduction - Matches - Tickets
- VIP - Friendlies - Promotion / relegation
- Profurgol.com Calendar - Stadium - PRO-mail
- Team Info - Cup - Punishments
- Players - Transfer List - My preferences
- Technical Secretary - ProFurgol live - Log off
- Economy - Hall of Fame - End of the Season
- Training - News - Negotiations
- Juniors - ProFurgol Forum - Move
- National Teams - ProFurgol.com guide test

Hall of Fame

15.- Hall of Fame: This section is like your a trophy cabinet. In this place you can save players in case they you don't want to sell him and are too old. You won't have to pay their salaries it's just a place where you can save all the players and trainers ( up to 10 slots for players and 2 for trainers) that are important to you.

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