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Official guide ProFurgol.com
.: Full version :.
- Introduction - Matches - Tickets
- VIP - Friendlies - Promotion / relegation
- Profurgol.com Calendar - Stadium - PRO-mail
- Team Info - Cup - Punishments
- Players - Transfer List - My preferences
- Technical Secretary - ProFurgol live - Log off
- Economy - Hall of Fame - End of the Season
- Training - News - Negotiations
- Juniors - ProFurgol Forum - Move
- National Teams - ProFurgol.com guide test


16.- News: This page will be shown each time you log in to ProFurgol.com. It's important to stay informed about everything that happens in ProFurgol.com. Do not forget to read the news as they might be important for you and your team.

16.01.-News ProFurgol.com: Here is a list with the 5 most important news items to inform all ProFurgol.com managers. It's therefore important to read these and to remember them. They might apply to your team in some way so they are important. If you want to the the rest of the news, then there is a link for you to see all the news.

16.02.-Internal News: Here you will see a list of the last IMPORTANT news of your team, such as bids for players that you follow, communiques of your Board of directors, mail notices etc. This news is the most important for your team so you must read them immediately. To read them you must click and the text will appear, it's important to read them because they might require an action to be made by you. When there is news you will be noticed.

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