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ProFurgol Forum

17.- ProFurgol Forum: The forum gives you a tool to stay in touch with other managers of ProFurgol.com. There is a sub forum for each league in every country in which you can talk with your rivals. Furthermore, there are general forums and specific ones for sales and arranging friendlies. The forum system is like a tree, where the main forum is the the trunk which grows big branches called the categories and the smaller branches forums, then comes the topics and last but not least the messages.

17.00.-Official rules: By now we don't have guidelines on where and how topics should be posted, but we beg you to respect and have patience with discussions and debates into the forums. Moreover, we remind you that the forums moderators have control so when they see unacceptable situations like abuses or controversial topics, they are allowed to block or to remove these. The moderators can punish managers that disobey their advices and or commands, by bans or fines.

17.01.-List of forums: Here you will be able to see a list off all countries that exist in ProFugol.com and they have their own individual forum where every member of that country can talk.

17.02.-List of forums: Here you will be able to see a list with all the forums inside a category. In all of the categories there are 2 forums called ProFurgol.com and No ProFurgol.com. As it is logical the first one is to talk about everything of the game and the second one is to talk about everything that has got nothing to do with ProFurgol.com.

17.03.-List of topics: Here you can see all topics there are in a forum. Topics are ordered by the date of the last message included in it. At the top are the stickies. Topics can be opened (it is possible to reply to it and it is classified as normal) stickies (it is listed first that any other and it is possible to reply to it) and at last closed (topics that have been closed by moderators or administrators for whatever reason)

17.04.-List of messages: Here you see a list with all messages of a topic. Clearly, in each topic or answer you can see the number of answers inside it, the message number, the published date and the author of the message.

17.05.-List of your favorite subforums: Here you can see the list of your favorite forums, the amount of favorite forums you can select is limited to 3. You will be able to add the forums you like and remove then without problems. It's very handy to have it at your disposal as it saves you some time. When you're VIP you can save up to 20 forums which you deem interesting.

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