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Official guide ProFurgol.com
.: Full version :.
- Introduction - Matches - Tickets
- VIP - Friendlies - Promotion / relegation
- Profurgol.com Calendar - Stadium - PRO-mail
- Team Info - Cup - Punishments
- Players - Transfer List - My preferences
- Technical Secretary - ProFurgol live - Log off
- Economy - Hall of Fame - End of the Season
- Training - News - Negotiations
- Juniors - ProFurgol Forum - Move
- National Teams - ProFurgol.com guide test


18.- Tickets: From this link you can advise to ProFurgol.com workers about failures, problems, notices or possible troubles with other users for reasons like complaints or abuses. From here you can send any message to translators, moderators or official managers of ProFurgol.com. When your problem is relevant we will reply as soon as possible. In this way we can communicate with you in a fast, effective and direct way which means we can prevent/solve cheating and bugs. We thank you in advance for helping ProFurgol.com as nothing is perfect and so it applies to us.

18.01.-Translators: When you send a message to a translator it will be aimed to correct some wrong text or to improve the grammatical comprehension of some sentence. Explain your problem as good as possible and a translator will be in touch with you. Don't hesitate in case of bad translations or if you know how a better way how to phrase certain sentences. Thank you for your help.

18.02.-Moderators: When you send a commentary to a moderator it will be aimed to notice them about a controversial topic in a forum, or abuses from some user or something illegal or not allowed. It is important to fill the application form as good as possible to help to the moderators to review the issue and to take appropriate measures. Thank you for your help.

18.03.-Admins: When you send an advise or commentary to administrators it will be aimed to notice them about some illegal purchase between two teams, some e-mail abuses among users like: spam and so on,to demand explanations for a fine or to make notice of some kind of bug or problem with the game. Any translation issue must be sent to translators and any other to moderators. Please, fill in the form as good as possible, adding user team ID, players involved or punishment(s) you have received.

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