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Official guide ProFurgol.com
.: Full version :.
- Introduction - Matches - Tickets
- VIP - Friendlies - Promotion / relegation
- Profurgol.com Calendar - Stadium - PRO-mail
- Team Info - Cup - Punishments
- Players - Transfer List - My preferences
- Technical Secretary - ProFurgol live - Log off
- Economy - Hall of Fame - End of the Season
- Training - News - Negotiations
- Juniors - ProFurgol Forum - Move
- National Teams - ProFurgol.com guide test


20.- PRO-mail: From here you can communicate privately and individually with any team manager. To see your received messages you have to click on "Mail" and to send a message to a user you have to go to his team's information template and press on "Send Mail" and write the subject and the message. The manager will receive the e-mail in his internal news and a flashing note to advise him about it. The same works for you.

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