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Official guide ProFurgol.com
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21.- Punishments: Here you will have access to the team’s fines record and also some informative notes about sharing IP’s with relatives and how to become a ProFurgol worker.The fines are meant to show the manager that his/her behavior and/or actions are wrong, without fines closing teams would be a normal habit which we want to avoid. It’s important to read the bankruptcy issue of the rules if you have been punished with a high fee. We also offer a second opportunity to those managers who have cheated, only managers who cheat as a habit will lose their team. It’s not allowed to talk about punishments in public nor giving away information about it to third parties. If you have been fined a link will show up, with which you can ask for a second opinion or discuss about it. Please, avoid complaining about clear proof or obvious cheating. Finally, we want to remind you that you can help ProFurgol.com by notifying illegal transfers or helping forum moderators with inappropriate topics. We all together can make ProFurgol.com a nice and respectful site. The punishments will be explained here:

21.01.-Misuse the Official Forum: Insults, Spam or bad words: If you insult or abominate other managers of the game in any forum and go on doing so after being warned, your team may be fined financially because of your attitude towards other managers of the game. Respect and be respected, we are here to have fun.

21.02.-Misuse the PRO-mail: Insults, Spam or bad words: If you insult or abominate other managers of the game via the internal mail of ProFurgol, after you have been warned before your team may be fined financially because of your attitude towards other managers of the game. Respect and you will be respected, we are to have fun.

21.03.-Spam in the forum: Or incorrect use of the forum, if after being advised you keep your wrong attitude, making a bad forum use, publishing unsuitable issues or don't taking seriously any moderator's advice you could be banned. Respect and you will be respected. We want to enjoy it.

21.04.-Forum Banned: If a violent or rude attitude takes place in a forum, moderators can ban a user for some days or definitely from the game. This action will be taken only to prevent problems to calm the nerves and to stop a bad mood. This ban is only from the forum and it will not affect to the team and its development. If after some warnings a user doesn’t change his attitude he will be punish with this mentioned action.

21.05.-Illegal transfer: This kind of fines will involve deep economic punishments and in many cases they will mean the team crack or some urgent economical measures like selling players. If the fine value is higher than the minimum then it will be applied a percent of the average balance of a team. A rich team or a poor one will receive a proportional economic damage. Whatever illegal transference will be fined hardly and if it’s not the first time you had been advised you could be banned from the game. In any case the amount of the fine will be high enough to give you serious problems. Every manager have the right and the must to advise to his country masters of any illegal transference using the link 'Tickets' and pressing on Managers

21.06.-Informative note: In any case these notes are supposed to be fines. For a better use and information to the game managers, these notes will be treated as they were a standard historic of any manager. These notes are used for taking advises of any warning, for gathering information to make a complaint, for taking notice of a share connection or for receiving any collaboration offer from a user. That is, these notes are an informative tool between game managers and users to take notice about it. It won’t never be public.

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