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Official guide ProFurgol.com
.: Full version :.
- Introduction - Matches - Tickets
- VIP - Friendlies - Promotion / relegation
- Profurgol.com Calendar - Stadium - PRO-mail
- Team Info - Cup - Punishments
- Players - Transfer List - My preferences
- Technical Secretary - ProFurgol live - Log off
- Economy - Hall of Fame - End of the Season
- Training - News - Negotiations
- Juniors - ProFurgol Forum - Move
- National Teams - ProFurgol.com guide test

Log off

23.- Log off: Clicking this link you will disconnect your account to prevent that anyone else could change your team features. Remember if you are surfing in shared computers, switch off the connection when you leave free the computer. Specially, be careful in cybers and similar places. By clicking this link you will log off which prevents your account from people making changes to it. Remember to log off when you're finished with your session on shared computers. Be carefully especially at cyber cafes.

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