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National Teams

28.- National Teams: Starting from the 5th Profurgol.com season National teams will be introduced. It's a wonderful challenge because many players will want their players to be a part of the national team of their origin. Only a few though will make it through the selections. We emphasize that each country will have 3 different teams: A-team (no age limit and no juniors can be summoned), U-21 (no juniors, only players 21 or younger may be selected) and U18 (only juniors can be selected up to 18 years inclusive). Each team will be controlled by the National Team coach and his assistant. The Coach and assistant of a National team do not have to have the same nationality as the country they want to lead. e.g. A German manager is able to control the Belgian National Team if he gets selected by the Belgian users. When selected, the coach will lead the National team for 2 seasons, he will have 8 months to carry out the suitable sporting plan. Only a new country may have selections at the end of it's first season. During these elections users have to select and vote for the managers they want their National Team to lead. We also note that during this first season the national teams will only play friendlies and no official matches.

28.01.-Elections: The elections last for 2 weeks and they are performed in every country every two seasons. The process begins in the penultimate week of the first season or preseason, having a period of 7 days to accept candidacies. Once this period is finished, during the last week of the season and second in preseason the lists of candidates and the option to vote on one of them will open. At the first day of the new season the candidate that has won the elections will be appointed according to the criteria that we will explain later. During the period of candidacies, the candidate of a nation will not be allowed to start a discussion in the forum of the nation you want to manage. Once the voting period has started moderators will start topics to discuss the objectives of each candidate. The candidates will also be able present their point of view in the forum. Any insult or false accusation from one candidate to another may lead GES of that country to remove that candidate from elections. Therefore we suggest to discuss with moderation and explain your candidacy without insulting the others. The GES and MOD of the countries will make sure that fair play is respected, anyone who commits a serious infringement during these discussions shall comply with consequences. Forever is totally forbidden use PRO-mail to promoter or to make spam about one candidacy, the punishment of it is the cancelation of this candidacy when we have evidences about relationships between spamer and candidacy.

28.01.1-Candidacy: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

 · All candidacies MUST consist of a manager and an assistant. Only the manager can fill in the ID and the speech. The assistant will have to accept the candidacy to make it official. The manager can decide the degree in which the assistant assists the manager. If the manager decides the assistant is allowed to fully assist the manager in all aspects it means the assistant can nearly do everything except the aspects that are meant for the manager only.
 · Any user will be able to run for as candidate for a national team of both national team manager and assistant without being his team of the same nationality as the national team which is presented.
 · Every user who wants to run for National Team Coach or Assistant will have to bear in mind that they can only be candidate of one country, no matter which country. Before the elections begin it's possible to cancel the candidacy whereupon both the manager and assistant will be able to take part of the elections of any national team. The manager is allowed to choose a different assistant than during the canceled candidacy as well.
 · Only the national team manager can cancel a candidacy before voting starts, not the assistant, so you can run for the same national team or another. The same goes when the voting have already started: only the national team manager can withdraw the candidacy but in this last case there will not be any other opportunity to run anymore, because no more candidacies are accepted when voting begins.

28.08.2-Voting: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

 · You can only vote on candidacies in your own country. ( 1 vote for each of the three National Teams) You can't vote on candidacies of National Teams in other countries.
 · In order to vote you should go to info page of your country. There you'll see links providing access to one of the 3 national teams of your country. When you click on one of those links you'll see a link to view the selection. When you click on that link you can either make yourself candidate or you can choose to watch a list of candidates. If you choose to watch the list you'll find information about the candidate and his chosen assistant, you'll also find a link to the speech of that candidate. To see the speech you must click on the speech link. Once you have made your decision, you can vote for the candidate of your choice by clicking the "vote" button. NOTE: you can only vote in week 16!!!!!

28.08.3-Winner: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

 · On the first day of the new season, just after the elections period, the winner candidacy will be officially declared and for one week the list of candidacies will appear on a list with the amount of votes they received. From that time on the coach and assistant take charge of the national team. The players that were summoned earlier will be removed to make sure that the candidacy can begin without any kind of obstacle.
 · Every national team manager is allowed to summon an amount of 2 players a week. ( even when he has not been offered) During the first week you can summon 16 players, thus without the limitation of 2 per week. In this way the trainer can summon players without any limitation.
 · The winning candidate will be elected by the largest number of votes. In the event of a tie special rules apply. These are: - If the candidate has the same nationality as the country he's candidate for, he will be chosen. - The candidate playing ProFurgol.com the longest will win. - A lottery will decide which candidate will win the election.

28.02.-National Teams - Requirements: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

28.02.1-ABS: Only not junior players can be called and without age limit.
28.02.2-U21: Only players that have not passed the age of 21 can be summoned.
28.02.3-U18: Only juniors up to age 18 inclusive can be summoned.

28.03.-Players offered: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

28.03.1-Rules: In addition to meet the requirements of each type of selection, managers and teams should take into account several limitations when it comes to offering managers the choice of having players summoned and other data of interest.

 · You are only allowed to send player data by week and by National Team. If you want to send another player you must wait a week to be able to do it. Except if a National Team has a few players offered and if it's the first week of his national team's manager.
 · There can only be 5 players from the same team be selected for each National Team.
 · You can only offer players to the National Team if they belong to your team. Only the owner has the right to offer him to the national team manager in order to he makes a decision.

28.04.-National team manager - Assistant: After you have won the elections the National coach and his assistant will be responsible for the National Team for 2 seasons. After this period they can be re-elected but they can also be fired by the administration due to misconduct!

28.04.1-Rules: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

 · There can only be 5 players from the same team be selected for each National Team.
 · Every national team manager is allowed to summon an amount of 2 players a week. ( even when he has not been offered) During the first week you can summon 16 players, thus without the limitation of 2 per week. In this way the trainer can summon players without any limitation.
 · A player must remain in the national team for at least 7 days before the National Trainer can remove him. Should he decide that the player will be put on a list of players who got removed as well to make sure he can summon him again at any time.

28.04.2-Options: In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.

 · They may see the qualities of all private players offered by the owners or a direct summoned. This tool is delivered to the trainers thinking about their proper use under the control of the administration. Never a selection could be made for spying or purposes of investigation it's easy to discover such misuse since only the owners of players can offer them. If a player is summoned directly the owner will receive a notification. We count on the help of the community to make sure everything goes correct and to make sure we can react as soon as possible.
 · Neither they will not be able to see the number of trainings nor training that follows each summoned player. But sent qualities are not static and whether there is any change in any of them they will be able to see it, but it will not be notified as if they are teams, it is a follow-up work that national team managers and assistants will have to do with their players.
 · All national teams are like VIP teams (Press messages, Guestbook, Logo, etc.). Therefore the coach and the assistant will have most of the VIP tools which they can use for the National Team. The VIP options will not be available for their own teams.
 · The national trainers have 3 lists containing the nominated players and one containing the officially summoned players. You will have access to the skills of the players but not to the number of coaches and their best games. ( these options are for VIPs only) The 3 lists consist of one with players offered by the managers, one consists of players that aren't good enough yet to play. The 3th list is an archive with all the players that have ever been summoned.
 · One can set the minimum amount of points to manage the player offers depending on the position on the field. Setting 999 points means that no players will be accepted anymore regardless of their position.
 · The national team manager will be able to choose the official stadium of the National Team as long as he considers appropriate. The change of the stadium will not affect the current match but the following are scheduled, the change must be before schedule/accept the friendly match of the week.

28.05.-Players: In addition to meet the requirements of each type of selection, managers and teams should take into account several limitations when it comes to offering managers the choice of having players summoned and other data of interest.

28.05.1-Matches: Only players who played the last match in its National Team will be entitled to financial compensation that their teams will receive after each game, as well their experience will increase noticeably depending on the type of match and the national team. As everything in life has its pros and its cons, playing with the national team may affect its form not so much as a match of his team (it can affect positively or negatively depending on the use of the team in trainings and matches, it is recommended to go through the paragraph form in players section, remembering that all players tend to intermediate form values of form), but national teams matches will not be accounted for injuries by tiredness of the team.
28.05.2-Injuries: As well as in any other match, hard or slight injuries can appear on elected players. If this happens during a national team match the owner's team will receive an economical compensation of a 100% of the salary proportional to the days of injury. That means, if a player earns 7.000€ every week and he injuries for 14 days, the team will receive an economical compensation of 14.000€, the recovering of the player, once this compensation has been made, is responsibility of the team and that compensation will be payed at the end of the match.
28.03.3-Call/Call off: Players do not suffer any positive or negative change when they are summoned or called off, just will appear in their card they are summoned by the relevant National Team by having a link to it and its national flag, apart from a note in his track record if it's the first time they have been summoned for that National Team.
28.05.4-Naturalizations: A team be able to nationalize their players if they meet certain requirements as a minimum time in the team, make a single payment for nationalization that depends on her salary and foremost that have NEVER been summoned for any selection of their country of origin. Any player who has been called by any of the 3 national teams from his country can never be nationalized in another country, we do not need to play only to be summoned.

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