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Official guide ProFurgol.com
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5.- Players: You will be able to see the list of all your players, have access to a complete list in which you will see the most important qualities of them. Once there, you can get more details about each player, where you can find statistics and details of them. In the players list you can arrange your players by Number, Value, Name or Field Position. This explanation includes two tables that will make you understand better what which skill does. Each team can have a maximum of 35 lats in the first team and 11 numbers at the youth team (8) counting the 5 possible juniors.

5.00.-Number: The teams have 35 licenses and they can only have 35 players with a number. If a player has not a number, he will not be able to train or play for the team.

5.01.-Free players: A free player is a dismissed player who does not have a team. There are two possibilities to become a free player. The first one can be because he believes the player does not have enough potential and believes that nobody will buy him. The second one can be to cut costs in case of a close bankruptcy situation where the manager tries to cut salaries. ( 8 weeks of inactivity or 8 weeks of having a debt of more than 100.000€) This team is from then on controlled by the ProFurgol bank. All players that were in the team are put for sale for 10 days, when bidding on him this deadline will changed to 3 days. On the other hand, if there haven't been any bids, he will stop playing football and will have to devote himself on other things in life. The first team of the player will lose his right of compensation as to being his mother club.
From 2nd March 2009 once a team buys a free player and becomes the origin club will not be able to resell him in 56 days. The reason for this is the following, when a club becomes the origin club of a player it gets 100% rights on the player, we have decided to benefit the player and the club those right will be acquired only when the player remains 56 days in the club.

5.02.-ID: It is the number that identifies the player.

5.03.-Nationality: It indicates the country where the player was born. You may nationalize players from Season 5 in Spain. To nationalize a player must be on our team 336 days (three full seasons) and not having been called ever with any of the selections on his current nationality and you must also pay the salary of a full season.

5.04.-Owner: Team that has the rights of the Player

5.05.-Value: It is a numerical information that indicates the average level of the qualities of the player valuing all the qualities of a player in an alone numerical and statistical value between 1 and 1000, being 1000 the best player of ProFurgol and 1 the worst. This valuation has nothing to do with the price of sale of a player, it's only a statistical mark where the potential of every player is estimated. The valuation of every player gets updated after every training, not all the players rise or go down equally, this numerical information depends on many factors such as as age, qualities, physical form, etc. When the teams are assigned or when the juniors are promoted, it is possible that the above mentioned players have 0 as salary and valuation it does not mean anything, only that these numbers are yet to be decided, every week these valuesare updated so do not worry, in a few days it will be updated and it does not affect your player in any way. It’s not strange and it can happen frequently that a player receives training but not raise any point of valuation or even his valuation decrease, since the comparative assessment of its value have not referenced the trained compared to other qualities or other factors such as age, form, etc. It does not mean that if you've been trained and valuation does not rise to malfunction or something our players have not received good training.

5.06.-Pay: The money received by each player weekly according to their qualities, is updated every 112 days (a full season), the tab for each player can check when the update. The salary will be determined primarily by the quality of primary and higher level adjusted according to the level of the other qualities. A certain level of salary will be exponential leaps player, spikes being increases in levels 7 (low good), 13 (low expert), 19 (low glorious), 25 (supernatural low) so it becomes important to control the training our players to not be surprised by the increase in wage tab.

Have a player for example in excellent high in its primary main with several coaches (level 12.6 f.e.) will have a salary similar to a player who hit jackpot to high excellent, but at the moment in which the first player pass to low glorious, in their next wage rise (on the tab of each player can check when it will this update)his salary to the main level will be re-designed and you can possibly make his salary by 40% more than what was paid.

Secondary qualities will be taken more into account.These more expensive less wages, secondary quality training from now is more profitable.In addition, strong and exponential increases in wages will be every 6 levels.From level 6 to 7 will undergo a significant increase in salary rise and likewise the level 12 to 13, 18 to 19 and from 24 to 25. The increase between these bands (1-6, 7-12 ...) is less radical.

Wages will not rise all at once and one day as usual. Each player's salary will rise a certain day, and will update the following season, after exactly 112 days. The date of the first pay raise will be random and the date of the next increase will be available on the Player tab, season by season player X will always update his salary X week and day and, without affecting their nationality or a possible transfer.

Players over 30 qualities and therefore lose their wages go down about their qualities.

Foreign players have an extra 10% on their basic salary.

5.07.-Form: Variable quality that shows the current physical form after every Thursdays training. Form may change because of played games, injuries, musculature, the player's age and his weekly training. All this will affect negatively or positively according to those values, we must also bear in mind that player's physical form always tends towards intermediate values. When he gets down from one of the highest levels toward intermediate values we can not always perceive it as penalized but as something logical in the pass of a player's form during the long season. And taking into account the above factors we can conclude that all players will not be affected by penalizations or rewards in the same way according to their activity during the last week. To learn more about the working of the players' form review the section Training of the Guide.

5.08.-Physique: Physical quality that shows the physical construction of the player. It can be trained, but it will depend on each individual player to grow or not you can only figure this out by training him in this skil. The maximum of levels that the player can obtain is 2 and the minimum is 0. The 5 levels that are arranged from less to more in physical construction are the following ones:
  5.08.1-Fragile: It influences defensive players negatively and offensive players positively.
  5.08.2-Weak: It influences slightly negatively defensive players and influences offensive players positively.
  5.08.3-Athletic: It has no influence on both defensive as offensive players.
  5.08.4-Fibrous: It influences defensive players slightly and offensive players positively.
  5.08.5-Strong: Both defensive and offensive players are influenced positively.

5.09.-Leg: Left-footed, right-footed or ambidextrous, negatively influences players when they play at the side that incorrectly corresponds to the side they play in

5.10.-Age: Juniors join the youth school at the minimum age of 15, qualities of the players deteriorate from quickly the age of 30 (The older players are, the higher your salary that speed and running back). All players will turn one year older at the end of each season in each country.

5.11.-Character: It is the compromise that the player has with himself. It can influence in a positive or negative way in the individual training, this influences the period needed to skill up.
  5.11.1-Irresponsible: His character will influence his individual training negatively.
  5.11.2-Indifferent: His character will have a slight negative influence on his individual training.
  5.11.3-Responsible: His character will not influence his individual training
  5.11.4-Winner: His character will slightly influence his individual training.
  5.11.5-Crack: His character will positively influence his individual training.

5.12.-Behavior: It is the way of behaving in the match with rivals and referee
  5.12.1-Violent: Greatly influence the referee's decision to show cards for rough play. Proud will behave if you are injured and can only 'touched', he will not be changed ever, stand and lie to his injury does not appear serious, but clearly have implications for the game.
  5.12.2-Aggressive: Influence the referee's decision to show cards for rough play. Will behave selfishly if you are injured and can only 'touched', is likely to be changed but also not wanting to resist and change.
  5.12.3-Fair Play: His attitude on the field will be quiet and peace on all controversial plays. It will behave as proud and selfish is injured and only be 'touched' and always ask to change and help your computer without thinking about their individual interest.
  5.12.4-Hooligan: Influence the referee's decision to show cards for foul play. Will behave selfishly if you are injured and can only 'touched', is likely to be changed but also not wanting to resist and change.
  5.12.5-Diver: Greatly influence the referee's decision to show cards for foul play. Proud will behave if you are injured and can only 'touched', he will not be changed ever, stand and lie to his injury does not appear serious, but clearly have implications for the game.

5.13.-Specialty: A fixed percentage of players have a quality that will influence their performance depending on his position on the field. This quality has the name of the quality and not all the players have a specialty at all. There are 5 different types of specialty and we don't rule out the possibility of new ones being added in the future.
  5.12.1-Headers: It's very important for set pieces. It's positive for all positions.
  5.12.2-Speed: Positive for Wingers, Wingers back, Defenders and Strikers.
  5.12.3-Vision: Positive for Midfielders and Defenders.
  5.12.4-Dribbling: Positive for Forwards and Midfielders.Negative for Defenders and Goalkeepers.
  5.12.5-Interception: Positive for Defensive Midfielders and Defenders. Negative for Forwards.

5.14.-Experience: Quality that grows when the player plays matches. The more important the match is, the more experience he will obtain. His experience will also have positive and negative bonus when he scores goals, makes assists, gets booked etc.

5.15.-Goalkeeper: Main quality that goal-keepers need.

5.16.-Defense: Main quality that defenders need.

5.17.-Position: Secondary quality that defenders and defensive midfielders need.

5.18.-Winger: Main quality that the midfielders and wingbacks need.

5.19.-Passes: Secondary quality that need the midfielders offensive.

5.20.-Creativity: Main quality that midfielders need.

5.21.-Set Pieces: Main quality that players need to take free kicks, penalties and corner kicks.

5.22.-Attack: Main quality that forwards need.

5.23.-Unmark: Secondary quality that the offensive midfielders and forwards need.

Skills levels
01. Low beginner 02. Beginner 03. High beginner
04. Low passable 05. Passable 06. High passable
07. Low good 08. Good 09. High good
10. Low outstanding 11. Outstanding 12. High outstanding
13. Low expert 14. Expert 15. High expert
16. Low excellent 17. Excellent 18. High excellent
19. Low glorious 20. Glorious 21. High glorious
22. Low sublime 23. Sublime 24. High sublime
25. Low supernatural 26. Supernatural 27. High supernatural
28. Low Furgolero 29. Furgolero 30. High Furgolero

5.24.-History: Here you will be able to see all important events that this player has achieved along his sporting career. When he was top scorer, all championships he won with his club, etc.

5.25.-Fire player: If you decide to fire a player and the player's age is not above a certain limit, this player will become a free agent and can be signed by any other team without any money going to your club as you lose all rights over that player. Furthermore, you must pay his salary in advance. This will be displayed in the Salary account of your financial page.

5.26.-Sell player: When you decide to put up a player for sale ( player must have been at the club for at least a week) what you're actually doing is letting the ProFurgol.com community be able to bid on your player. The teams have to bid higher than the minimum offer. The teams keep on bidding on him until nobody his interest or funds anymore to keep on bidding. The deadline has a limit of 24, 48 or 72 hours. When somebody places a bid 1 minute before the deadline the deadline will be extended by another 2 minutes. It's not allowed just to bid to make the price higher, to offer ridiculously high bids or to buy/sell players from a team with the same IP like you. These things will be severely punished by the ProFurgol.com administrations.
  5.26.1-Every time you put a player for sale:
    - You won't be able to place a bid on this player because you are the one who is selling him.
    - You must pay 2% of the starting bid as commission.
    - The commission must be between 1.000€ and 3.000€.
  5.26.2-Remember while your player is on sale:
    - He cannot be lined-up.
    - He won't receive training.
    - Your team will not receive any prize or commission for him, because he will not have a team while he is in the transfer market..

5.27.-Record: Here you can see all teams the player has played for, his contract type, when and how much money he cost with each transfer.

5.28.-Player History: All changes the players had along their time in the current club will be displayed.

5.29.-Last match played: Here it shows qualification of the last match played, this qualification is allowed for every user.

5.30.-Collected Cards: If a player has received three yellow or a red card, a red card will be displayed, meaning that the player has been suspended for the next official match. After the match the suspension is lifted and the cards will be erased. If he is not yet suspended you will see how much cards he obtained in this way you can see how much cards he has received.

5.31.-Sanctioned for the next match: If a player is suspended for the next match he may not be lined up. In case you don't line up an other player you will play with 10 men. A suspended player can always be lined up in friendly matches meaning that a ban in an official match is only valid for the next official match. When the official match has ended his suspension is lifted and he can be lined up again as usual.

5.32.-Player Status: Players may have a small muscle injury for letting him play twice and/or training during the current week. In other words, every week, on Thursdays, a group of players have a chance to get injured these groups are: those who have played on Saturday and Wednesday, and/or have been trained on Tuesday and Thursday immediately preceding this Thursday, namely in the last week. If you meet one or both requirements, the player will be examined and tested to see if his physical ability allows him to keep playing, in case of not passing the test he may suffer an injury that might make your play unable to train or play. To avoid injury or to recover such injuries it's important to check the guide in the section secretary and to manage the physio and doctors. In case of an injury or recovery the physio and doctor will inform you and will act as they deem necessary. Also a player can be injured during matches, the criteria that influence the chance a player gets injured are: his physical condition, his musculature, his age, the amount of doctors and phyisios the team has and a single factor that depends on luck because we know that even if very well prepared and remain a great physical wonder that does not mean that that will never be injured, If a player has suffered an injury during a match and this prevents him from further play in the field he will be substituted, you will use up one substitution possibility though. The approximate duration of the injury will be told through a statement by a domestic employee of the club at the end of the match. The behavior of the player is very important to know whether a player suffered a real injury or is only touched in that way he can disadvantage the team. Check your player's behavior to get acknowledged with their behavior.
  5.32.1-Active: This player could play without problems.
  5.32.2-Slightly injured: The player can be lined up and is able to train, but he will play under his potential and an injury could be fatal.
  5.32.3-Injured: The player can not be lined up or may be trained during that state.

5.33.-Recuperation Injuries: Every day one hour after the update in every country the daily recovery is being calculated. When the player changes from injured to slightly injured, or when the slightly injured player is cured from his injury, your doctor or an employee of the club will tell you about the situation in order to fully rely on your player. About the daily update: When for example your matches are played at 17:00 and also the trainings are held at that time, one hour later ( 18:00) the injury update will begin.

5.34.-See all his matches & Player notes: From here you can see all matches played with his qualification and form level in each match and you can add small text about your interest of this player. Both options are only allowed to VIP users. What are you waiting to become a VIP user?

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