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 The press Ireland ABS  (Page: 1)
02/10/2023 19:09:05 - Reconstruction of the national team!
13/06/2016 09:09:21 - THE NEW SEASON
26/05/2016 17:04:48 - Come on Ireland!!!
02/09/2012 20:41:03 - FINALLY, 34th of the PRO-world
only 2 points and Ireland would be in the 4th group, but it's incredible!!!

F-javier and me wish you a great future and perhaps, Ireland ABS could play in the 2nd round in the World Cup

lucky and thanks you
10/07/2012 16:02:19 - OUR OBJECTIVE: AVOID THE LAST GROUP!!!
06/02/2012 13:20:33 - HI, IRISH!!!!



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