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28-07-2009 20:50 - Our Obsesions

I'm gonna tell you some of our obsesions that we have everyday when we get up in the morning:

Our begining obsesion were to create a game that it was addicted (in good sense) to everybody and above all that it's not a difficult to understand for the new users who could understand fast how PRO works.

When we develop new tools and options, the biggest problem is to develop something easy to understand and dificult to take control them in the same time, but if we would develop something hard to understand it would have not sense to do it. Even so day a day it's more dificult to create new improvements, this is more interesting and give motivation to us creating new originals improvements like: negociations with coaches, injurys with names, influence from referees in a match ...

Everything are designed not only easy to unserstand for old users if not for new users also who find out more options and tools in their hands, and if it were more dificult they would have a lof of problems in their first steps in PRO.

As well the new improvements, each day we try to create new designs or tools (like Godparents system) for new users can see here not only a game where they have a Team control, but they can meet new friends, enter into a comunity and see how many users are interesting in share their knowlegde and help the new users in their first steps in PRO.

We've another obsesion also, heard the comunity, ideas about new improvements or ideas to future improvements. This is not possible if we're not into the forums and allways hearding the comunity wants to tell us. There are a lot of examples that comunity gave us idea and after it we did like: World Cup draws, the referees, more kind of VIP stats, analyst, scout, double focus attacks, supporter's payment, Godparents sytem... and much more.

Pedro  ↔  17 Comments 

#1: 29-07-2009
 Nice. Keept up this work!

#2: 29-07-2009

#3: 29-07-2009

#5: 30-07-2009

#6: 31-07-2009
 Your English is too crappy for me to bother to read this. :|

#8: 05-08-2009
 I like it.

#9: 07-08-2009

#11: 28-08-2009

#12: 10-09-2009
 You have prove in action that you here all of us

#15: 18-09-2009
 Keep up good work.

#16: 25-09-2009
 When is the next blog release?

Keep up awesome work :)

#17: 29-09-2009
 ok!!!!its time to play

#18: 24-10-2009

#19: 26-10-2009
 good (=

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