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FAR Oujda-Angad 0 - 1 AS Taza

Local team Global statistics Away team
4-4-2 Formation 4-4-2
0 Fouls 0
1 Yellow 0
0 Red 0
57.38% First Half Possession 42.62%
57.38% Second Half Possession 42.62%

15.000 spectators are about to see this match. The FAR Oujda-Angad y AS Taza players sprint onto the pitch. FAR Oujda-Angad will made a 4-4-2 with Hassan Chkilit - Taiseer Al Wadaani, Djaref Ghanem, Ammar Ataba, Lahouari Remch - Bachir Saad, Boulemdais Al Wadaani, Slimane Suhail, Hussain Moath Al Hawsawi - Ziane Essamlali, Abdulilah Ghanem and AS Taza will made a 4-4-2 with Benziane Hossam - Azzedine Yacine, Abdulilah Benchaira, Sofiane Ait, Salim Amine El Bourkadi - Saud Sofiane, Abadli Irmal, Saad Irmal, Bensalem Al Sayed - Alaa Abdrabh Al Jahdali, Chaoui Ammour.

Abdelmalek Chakhssi, one of the legends in the world of international refs, takes control of today's match. Hopefully the Al-Maghrib born P.E. teacher, who belongs to the Chaouia-Ouardigha association, will be able to compensate for the linesmen, who have been described in the local press as "complete muppets".

Min.4, Bachir Saad sees space on the byline and he runs into it and crosses towards the head of Ziane Essamlali. However, Sofiane Ait decided he fancied doing his job and cleared it with an assured header. Ziane Essamlali, is holding his side on the ground and complaining bitterly about Sofiane Ait's elbow to his ribs at the same time, what a talent he has there...get up you nancy. Min.9, Chaoui Ammour shoots from distance, but it will take something special to beat Hassan Chkilit who gathers it with ease. Min.15, great run down the left wing by Abadli Irmal who spots Lahouari Remch in acres of space and tries to pick him out, but that was just naff. Min.28, Abdulilah Ghanem has headed over from 4 yards out, after a pin point cross from Bachir Saad. Wasted opportunity. Min.36, Ziane Essamlali has got some magic feet and shows us all his trickery to get into a great position in the box, unfortunately for him, he's a complete donkey and tripped over his twinkle toes and face planted the ball, which proceeds to roll out harmlessly for a goal kick. Min.39, Boulemdais Al Wadaani can't get away from Azzedine Yacine and loses the ball before he has the chance to send a cross in.

Min.45, the refs blown up for half time before the allocated injury time has been played and now he's sprinting off down the tunnel, guess he's been caught short. The current score is 0-0. The home team had 57 %. possession of the ball.

Min.52, Hussain Moath Al Hawsawi threads a through ball to Boulemdais Al Wadaani who times his run poorly and has to wait for the ball on the left hand side. Once it got to him, he immediately passed the ball to Ziane Essamlali who hit it instantaneously towards Benziane Hossam' goal, but it never stopped rising. Goal kick. Min.54, how rubbish of Chaoui Ammour. Bensalem Al Sayed put the ball on a plate for him and instead of hitting it with his right foot it cannoned of his left shin wide of the goal. Hmmm, why is he playing in this team? Min.58, Gooooool !!!, Salim Amine El Bourkadi sent a good through ball into the path of Alaa Abdrabh Al Jahdali who instantly fires past the keeper. Now the score is 0-1. The attendance spectators were disappointed, they couldn’t believe how Alaa Abdrabh Al Jahdali scored first for the away team and how things became difficult. Min.60, high kick of FAR Oujda-Angad after a wonderful forward pass through the defense by Slimane Suhail to Ziane Essamlali couldn't finish off that great move by FAR Oujda-Angad. Ziane Essamlali protested about the shirt pulling he was the victim of. The ref is taking no bull today and Ziane Essamlali is booked for complaining. Min.75, disastrous pass by Bensalem Al Sayed who tries to pick out Saud Sofiane, but the receiver could do nothing to control the ball. They will not create too many chances with that sort of slap dashery. Min.79, how rubbish of Ziane Essamlali. Hussain Moath Al Hawsawi put the ball on a plate for him and instead of hitting it with his right foot it cannoned of his left shin wide of the goal. Hmmm, why is he playing in this team? Min.86, Taiseer Al Wadaani has a pop, but Benziane Hossam takes that one with ease.

Min.90, and that's the end of the game here, the teams make their way off the field to the applause of the crowds. The game finished 0-1. The home team had 57 %. possession of the ball.

The final score of this cup final between FAR Oujda-Angad - AS Taza is 0-1, congratulations to AS Taza, who pass to the next round of his country Cup.

Stats - Add to Favorites
· TypeFootball 11
· Type of matchCup
· Rules Knockout
· Date of the match04/10/2023
· Time of the match11:15
· Stats
· ID of the match3462270 Add to Favorites
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Stadium info
· Stadium FAR Oujda-Angad...
· Amount of attendance15.000
· Ends11.000
· Sides0
· Towers4.000
· VIP Boxes 0
58' Alaa Abdrabh Al Jahdali 0-1
· Without fouls
60' Ziane Essamlali

Team marks
FAR Oujda-Angad
Focus AttacksNeutral
Focus DefenseNeutral
Right backGood
Central defenseHigh passable
Left backLow good
Right Attack Passable
Central Attack Good
Left Attack Passable
ExperienceHigh Furgolero
AS Taza
Focus AttacksNeutral
Focus DefenseNeutral
MidfieldHigh passable
Right backHigh good
Central defenseGood
Left backLow outstanding
Right Attack High beginner
Central Attack Low good
Left Attack High beginner
ExperienceHigh Furgolero
Individual marks
FAR Oujda-Angad 46.00
AS Taza 46.00

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