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Title of the topic Opened by Answers / Views Last message
 ProFurgol Forum Rules ProFurgol.com 0 18-06-2007 00:00:01
 Kickoffboss- new manager game Shais7397 0 / 22 14-06-2024 15:40:34
 Any new manager games? Shais7397 1 / 40 29-04-2024 20:12:51
 Sorare - fantasy global fottbal game Dawerik 0 / 43 22-02-2021 15:31:26
 Cripto for free - crypto gratis Dawerik 3 / 73 30-10-2020 07:30:50
 Footballstrategy.org - best new online manager Invited 0 / 36 22-08-2018 11:20:26
 Bitconnect Dawerik 12 / 184 07-08-2018 10:31:18
 Rocking soccer Invited 0 / 29 01-03-2018 14:31:12
 F1 manager Invited 0 / 36 10-03-2016 14:37:11
 Funny things « 1... 4 » Invited 54 / 153 20-07-2014 18:38:21
 A little language help Invited 2 / 50 15-07-2014 18:45:07
 Rocking soccer Invited 8 / 146 22-05-2014 15:53:45
 Mister Slovenia ´14 Invited 4 / 70 17-03-2014 14:43:16
 New best tennis online supeeeeeeeeeeeer Invited 2 / 65 06-09-2012 11:50:19
 Euro 2012 « 1... 2 » Invited 27 / 443 02-07-2012 10:25:51
 Footielegend Invited 2 / 107 30-05-2012 12:52:13
 Who is your football teacher? « 1... 2 » Invited 23 / 98 02-05-2012 18:30:32
 Happy new year Invited 1 / 31 31-12-2011 12:06:55
 Blog profurgol brasil Invited 9 / 143 08-12-2011 16:28:20
 Sokker.org « 1... 4 » Invited 48 / 200 13-11-2011 15:13:50
 Rest in Peace Steven Paul Jobs Invited 1 / 58 07-10-2011 00:20:54
 Powerplay manager Invited 0 / 54 10-07-2011 15:23:58
 Music - playing an instrument? Invited 4 / 38 04-07-2011 16:16:51
 International spam topic Invited 5 / 15 27-03-2011 21:01:44
 Football manager 2011 « 1... 2 » Invited 16 / 34 04-12-2010 02:29:06
 Neobux Invited 0 / 10 03-12-2010 17:16:32
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