Introduction |
0.- Introduction: ProFurgol.com is an online football game, in which you can be the manager and master of a football club that wears the name you want . You could do the following things: buy, give in and sell players, train your team, manage its economy, build the best stadium in the world, decide how to deal with the youth players and manage the merchandising. All this is possible because you will be the only manager and you will have absolute power in aspects such as economy, injuries, psychology, transfers and many many many more things...
0.01.-Playing Structure: This league structures are like a pyramid and has a clear structure. Each league consists of 8 teams. And the divisions are multiplied by 4 in each layer. Meaning that the first league consists of only one league, the second exists of 4 leagues with 8 teams each (32 teams altogether). In all leagues there are positions with an extra meaning. The first position of a league means you're the champion of that league and will promote directly or by playing an promotion/relegation game, to the next league and will receive a financial bonus. Places 2,3 and 4 will not promote but with receive a financial bonus. Places 5 and 6 will have to play a relegation match against the other 5 and 6 placed teams of that layer. The teams placed 7th and 8th will relegate directly. They will take the place left by the direct promoted teams of the lower division. In the first league you can't promote any more, the championship will serve as tissue to wipe away the tears.
0.02.-Almighty Strategy: In this game the most important thing is the strategies you choose to deal with the dilemmas you will have to face as to matches, leagues, training, youths and so on. The developers have decided that strategy is the key to success therefore almost every aspect of the game has something to do with strategy. A team with a good strategy, good youth system and a good planning will mostly have more success than others. We have tried to make every aspect of the game in a way that everybody can use their own methods and choices.
0.03.-Playing Objective: Giving the user the absolute responsibility over their team, in every aspect: players, youths, doctors, stadium and so on. The main goal is to have fun and to use time to find out how to improve the team every day.
1.- How can I obtain a team in ProFurgol.com?: To get a team you only need to give us an original name for your team and an e-mail account where all the data of your team and the activation mail will be send. After choosing the name of your team, you can fill in the form at :"Become a member". Please, fill in your real personal details, because if you lack doing so or filled in offensive or other forbidden user - or team name your request will be canclled. When you finish, you will receive an e-mail to activate your team, after doing so you will be placed on the waiting list.
2.- I have my team, what should I do now?: You have received an e-mail informing you that you have been assigned a team in a division and league in ProFurgol.com. To start, you must fill in your user and pass to be able to enter in the game and start to get in touch with your new team. It is now where most interesting and important things start: you must read the rules and acquire the necessary knowledge to manage your club. Here we are not going to give you tips, we are only going to explain you how the game works. Each manager decides how to manage his team, choosing the economic and sports policies to achieve the highest position.
Profurgol.com Calendar |
3.- Profurgol.com Calendar: ProFurgol.com has its own calendar and it consists of 16 weeks each season. In the first 14 weeks, the league is played, each league has 8 teams so there are 14 (16-2=14, as you can't play against yourself) matches altogether, where 8 teams play against each other ,7 home games and also 7 away games. The remaining two weeks are called the pre-season in which will be decided who promote and who relegate. In week 16 the season has come to an end. Bear in mind that not every country plays in the same season. ( eg: Spain was the first country so they have finished more seasons than for example The Netherlands) Every country have their own update times meaning that there is a week roster for each country, check the information page of your country for these times.
Team Info |
4.- Team Info: The information of your team is a general overview of its actual situation. You can see various information about team such as: Name, ID, Position, League, Country, Owner, Coach, Players, Next matches....
4.01.-Team name: You can change the name once per season
4.02.-ID of the team: It is the number that identifies only and exclusively your team.
4.03.-Name of the stadium: See the stadium facilities of the team
4.04.-Team Coach: You can see the characteristics and qualities of the coach
4.05.-Owner: You can see the details of the user
4.05.1-Bot: Teams without default line up, lose all matches by 5-0.
4.05.2-Semibot: Teams with standard line ups, and without owner will always play the same.
4.06.-Position in the league and division: You can see the division, classification and position of the team here
4.07.-Number of fans: Total number of supporters of the team
4.08.-Medium valuation of the team: Average rating out of 1000 of all of your team players. It's updated every friday.
4.09.-Position in : The position in national ranking, important for the National Cup of next season.
4.10.-ProFurgol Ranking: Your position in the total ranking of ProFurgol.com ( all countries)
4.11.-Country: Name and link to the country of your club
4.12.-Region: Country Region of the team.
4.13.-Interesting links: A list with the most relevant and important information of the team.
4.13.1-Matches: List of all the matches of the team.
4.13.2-Players: List with the public information of the team players.
4.13.3-Players for sale: List of the players on the transfer list of the team, at the moment.
4.13.4-History: List of achievements and important moments of the team's history
4.13.5-Player Transfers: List of all the transfers of the team: sold, bought and fired players...
4.13.6-Send PRO-mail: To privately communicate with the team owner
4.13.7-Friendlies: Information of the friendly matches of the team.
Players |
5.- Players: You will be able to see the list of all your players, have access to a complete list in which you will see the most important qualities of them. Once there, you can get more details about each player, where you can find statistics and details of them. In the players list you can arrange your players by Number, Value, Name or Field Position. This explanation includes two tables that will make you understand better what which skill does. Each team can have a maximum of 35 lats in the first team and 11 numbers at the youth team (8) counting the 5 possible juniors.
5.00.-Number: The teams have 35 licenses and they can only have 35 players with a number. If a player has not a number, he will not be able to train or play for the team.
5.01.-Free players: A free player is a dismissed player who does not have a team. There are two possibilities to become a free player. The first one can be because he believes the player does not have enough potential and believes that nobody will buy him. The second one can be to cut costs in case of a close bankruptcy situation where the manager tries to cut salaries. ( 8 weeks of inactivity or 8 weeks of having a debt of more than 100.000€) This team is from then on controlled by the ProFurgol bank. All players that were in the team are put for sale for 10 days, when bidding on him this deadline will changed to 3 days. On the other hand, if there haven't been any bids, he will stop playing football and will have to devote himself on other things in life. The first team of the player will lose his right of compensation as to being his mother club. From 2nd March 2009 once a team buys a free player and becomes the origin club will not be able to resell him in 56 days. The reason for this is the following, when a club becomes the origin club of a player it gets 100% rights on the player, we have decided to benefit the player and the club those right will be acquired only when the player remains 56 days in the club.
5.02.-ID: It is the number that identifies the player.
5.03.-Nationality: It indicates the country where the player was born. You may nationalize players from Season 5 in Spain. To nationalize a player must be on our team 336 days (three full seasons) and not having been called ever with any of the selections on his current nationality and you must also pay the salary of a full season.
5.04.-Owner: Team that has the rights of the Player
5.05.-Value: It is a numerical information that indicates the average level of the qualities of the player valuing all the qualities of a player in an alone numerical and statistical value between 1 and 1000, being 1000 the best player of ProFurgol and 1 the worst. This valuation has nothing to do with the price of sale of a player, it's only a statistical mark where the potential of every player is estimated. The valuation of every player gets updated after every training, not all the players rise or go down equally, this numerical information depends on many factors such as as age, qualities, physical form, etc. When the teams are assigned or when the juniors are promoted, it is possible that the above mentioned players have 0 as salary and valuation it does not mean anything, only that these numbers are yet to be decided, every week these valuesare updated so do not worry, in a few days it will be updated and it does not affect your player in any way. It’s not strange and it can happen frequently that a player receives training but not raise any point of valuation or even his valuation decrease, since the comparative assessment of its value have not referenced the trained compared to other qualities or other factors such as age, form, etc. It does not mean that if you've been trained and valuation does not rise to malfunction or something our players have not received good training.
5.06.-Pay: The money received by each player weekly according to their qualities, is updated every 112 days (a full season), the tab for each player can check when the update. The salary will be determined primarily by the quality of primary and higher level adjusted according to the level of the other qualities. A certain level of salary will be exponential leaps player, spikes being increases in levels 7 (low good), 13 (low expert), 19 (low glorious), 25 (supernatural low) so it becomes important to control the training our players to not be surprised by the increase in wage tab.
Have a player for example in excellent high in its primary main with several coaches (level 12.6 f.e.) will have a salary similar to a player who hit jackpot to high excellent, but at the moment in which the first player pass to low glorious, in their next wage rise (on the tab of each player can check when it will this update)his salary to the main level will be re-designed and you can possibly make his salary by 40% more than what was paid.
Secondary qualities will be taken more into account.These more expensive less wages, secondary quality training from now is more profitable.In addition, strong and exponential increases in wages will be every 6 levels.From level 6 to 7 will undergo a significant increase in salary rise and likewise the level 12 to 13, 18 to 19 and from 24 to 25. The increase between these bands (1-6, 7-12 ...) is less radical.
Wages will not rise all at once and one day as usual. Each player's salary will rise a certain day, and will update the following season, after exactly 112 days. The date of the first pay raise will be random and the date of the next increase will be available on the Player tab, season by season player X will always update his salary X week and day and, without affecting their nationality or a possible transfer.
Players over 30 qualities and therefore lose their wages go down about their qualities.
Foreign players have an extra 10% on their basic salary.
5.07.-Form: Variable quality that shows the current physical form after every Thursdays training. Form may change because of played games, injuries, musculature, the player's age and his weekly training. All this will affect negatively or positively according to those values, we must also bear in mind that player's physical form always tends towards intermediate values. When he gets down from one of the highest levels toward intermediate values we can not always perceive it as penalized but as something logical in the pass of a player's form during the long season. And taking into account the above factors we can conclude that all players will not be affected by penalizations or rewards in the same way according to their activity during the last week. To learn more about the working of the players' form review the section Training of the Guide.
5.08.-Physique: Physical quality that shows the physical construction of the player. It can be trained, but it will depend on each individual player to grow or not you can only figure this out by training him in this skil. The maximum of levels that the player can obtain is 2 and the minimum is 0. The 5 levels that are arranged from less to more in physical construction are the following ones:
5.08.1-Fragile: It influences defensive players negatively and offensive players positively.
5.08.2-Weak: It influences slightly negatively defensive players and influences offensive players positively.
5.08.3-Athletic: It has no influence on both defensive as offensive players.
5.08.4-Fibrous: It influences defensive players slightly and offensive players positively.
5.08.5-Strong: Both defensive and offensive players are influenced positively.
5.09.-Leg: Left-footed, right-footed or ambidextrous, negatively influences players when they play at the side that incorrectly corresponds to the side they play in
5.10.-Age: Juniors join the youth school at the minimum age of 15, qualities of the players deteriorate from quickly the age of 30 (The older players are, the higher your salary that speed and running back). All players will turn one year older at the end of each season in each country.
5.11.-Character: It is the compromise that the player has with himself. It can influence in a positive or negative way in the individual training, this influences the period needed to skill up.
5.11.1-Irresponsible: His character will influence his individual training negatively.
5.11.2-Indifferent: His character will have a slight negative influence on his individual training.
5.11.3-Responsible: His character will not influence his individual training
5.11.4-Winner: His character will slightly influence his individual training.
5.11.5-Crack: His character will positively influence his individual training.
5.12.-Behavior: It is the way of behaving in the match with rivals and referee
5.12.1-Violent: Greatly influence the referee's decision to show cards for rough play. Proud will behave if you are injured and can only 'touched', he will not be changed ever, stand and lie to his injury does not appear serious, but clearly have implications for the game.
5.12.2-Aggressive: Influence the referee's decision to show cards for rough play. Will behave selfishly if you are injured and can only 'touched', is likely to be changed but also not wanting to resist and change.
5.12.3-Fair Play: His attitude on the field will be quiet and peace on all controversial plays. It will behave as proud and selfish is injured and only be 'touched' and always ask to change and help your computer without thinking about their individual interest.
5.12.4-Hooligan: Influence the referee's decision to show cards for foul play. Will behave selfishly if you are injured and can only 'touched', is likely to be changed but also not wanting to resist and change.
5.12.5-Diver: Greatly influence the referee's decision to show cards for foul play. Proud will behave if you are injured and can only 'touched', he will not be changed ever, stand and lie to his injury does not appear serious, but clearly have implications for the game.
5.13.-Specialty: A fixed percentage of players have a quality that will influence their performance depending on his position on the field. This quality has the name of the quality and not all the players have a specialty at all. There are 5 different types of specialty and we don't rule out the possibility of new ones being added in the future.
5.12.1-Headers: It's very important for set pieces. It's positive for all positions.
5.12.2-Speed: Positive for Wingers, Wingers back, Defenders and Strikers.
5.12.3-Vision: Positive for Midfielders and Defenders.
5.12.4-Dribbling: Positive for Forwards and Midfielders.Negative for Defenders and Goalkeepers.
5.12.5-Interception: Positive for Defensive Midfielders and Defenders. Negative for Forwards.
5.14.-Experience: Quality that grows when the player plays matches. The more important the match is, the more experience he will obtain. His experience will also have positive and negative bonus when he scores goals, makes assists, gets booked etc.
5.15.-Goalkeeper: Main quality that goal-keepers need.
5.16.-Defense: Main quality that defenders need.
5.17.-Position: Secondary quality that defenders and defensive midfielders need.
5.18.-Winger: Main quality that the midfielders and wingbacks need.
5.19.-Passes: Secondary quality that need the midfielders offensive.
5.20.-Creativity: Main quality that midfielders need.
5.21.-Set Pieces: Main quality that players need to take free kicks, penalties and corner kicks.
5.22.-Attack: Main quality that forwards need.
5.23.-Unmark: Secondary quality that the offensive midfielders and forwards need.
Skills levels |
01. |
Low beginner |
02. |
Beginner |
03. |
High beginner |
04. |
Low passable |
05. |
Passable |
06. |
High passable |
07. |
Low good |
08. |
Good |
09. |
High good |
10. |
Low outstanding |
11. |
Outstanding |
12. |
High outstanding |
13. |
Low expert |
14. |
Expert |
15. |
High expert |
16. |
Low excellent |
17. |
Excellent |
18. |
High excellent |
19. |
Low glorious |
20. |
Glorious |
21. |
High glorious |
22. |
Low sublime |
23. |
Sublime |
24. |
High sublime |
25. |
Low supernatural |
26. |
Supernatural |
27. |
High supernatural |
28. |
Low Furgolero |
29. |
Furgolero |
30. |
High Furgolero |
5.24.-History: Here you will be able to see all important events that this player has achieved along his sporting career. When he was top scorer, all championships he won with his club, etc.
5.25.-Fire player: If you decide to fire a player and the player's age is not above a certain limit, this player will become a free agent and can be signed by any other team without any money going to your club as you lose all rights over that player. Furthermore, you must pay his salary in advance. This will be displayed in the Salary account of your financial page.
5.26.-Sell player: When you decide to put up a player for sale ( player must have been at the club for at least a week) what you're actually doing is letting the ProFurgol.com community be able to bid on your player. The teams have to bid higher than the minimum offer. The teams keep on bidding on him until nobody his interest or funds anymore to keep on bidding. The deadline has a limit of 24, 48 or 72 hours. When somebody places a bid 1 minute before the deadline the deadline will be extended by another 2 minutes. It's not allowed just to bid to make the price higher, to offer ridiculously high bids or to buy/sell players from a team with the same IP like you. These things will be severely punished by the ProFurgol.com administrations.
5.26.1-Every time you put a player for sale:
- You won't be able to place a bid on this player because you are the one who is selling him.
- You must pay 2% of the starting bid as commission.
- The commission must be between 1.000€ and 3.000€.
5.26.2-Remember while your player is on sale:
- He cannot be lined-up.
- He won't receive training.
- Your team will not receive any prize or commission for him, because he will not have a team while he is in the transfer market..
5.27.-Record: Here you can see all teams the player has played for, his contract type, when and how much money he cost with each transfer.
5.28.-Player History: All changes the players had along their time in the current club will be displayed.
5.29.-Last match played: Here it shows qualification of the last match played, this qualification is allowed for every user.
5.30.-Collected Cards: If a player has received three yellow or a red card, a red card will be displayed, meaning that the player has been suspended for the next official match. After the match the suspension is lifted and the cards will be erased. If he is not yet suspended you will see how much cards he obtained in this way you can see how much cards he has received.
5.31.-Sanctioned for the next match: If a player is suspended for the next match he may not be lined up. In case you don't line up an other player you will play with 10 men. A suspended player can always be lined up in friendly matches meaning that a ban in an official match is only valid for the next official match. When the official match has ended his suspension is lifted and he can be lined up again as usual.
5.32.-Player Status: Players may have a small muscle injury for letting him play twice and/or training during the current week. In other words, every week, on Thursdays, a group of players have a chance to get injured these groups are: those who have played on Saturday and Wednesday, and/or have been trained on Tuesday and Thursday immediately preceding this Thursday, namely in the last week. If you meet one or both requirements, the player will be examined and tested to see if his physical ability allows him to keep playing, in case of not passing the test he may suffer an injury that might make your play unable to train or play. To avoid injury or to recover such injuries it's important to check the guide in the section secretary and to manage the physio and doctors. In case of an injury or recovery the physio and doctor will inform you and will act as they deem necessary. Also a player can be injured during matches, the criteria that influence the chance a player gets injured are: his physical condition, his musculature, his age, the amount of doctors and phyisios the team has and a single factor that depends on luck because we know that even if very well prepared and remain a great physical wonder that does not mean that that will never be injured, If a player has suffered an injury during a match and this prevents him from further play in the field he will be substituted, you will use up one substitution possibility though. The approximate duration of the injury will be told through a statement by a domestic employee of the club at the end of the match. The behavior of the player is very important to know whether a player suffered a real injury or is only touched in that way he can disadvantage the team. Check your player's behavior to get acknowledged with their behavior.
5.32.1-Active: This player could play without problems.
5.32.2-Slightly injured: The player can be lined up and is able to train, but he will play under his potential and an injury could be fatal.
5.32.3-Injured: The player can not be lined up or may be trained during that state.
5.33.-Recuperation Injuries: Every day one hour after the update in every country the daily recovery is being calculated. When the player changes from injured to slightly injured, or when the slightly injured player is cured from his injury, your doctor or an employee of the club will tell you about the situation in order to fully rely on your player. About the daily update: When for example your matches are played at 17:00 and also the trainings are held at that time, one hour later ( 18:00) the injury update will begin.
5.34.-See all his matches & Player notes: From here you can see all matches played with his qualification and form level in each match and you can add small text about your interest of this player. Both options are only allowed to VIP users. What are you waiting to become a VIP user?
Technical Secretary |
6.- Technical Secretary: Here you are able to decide what to do with your club's employees, psychologists, physiotherapists, doctors, coaches, etc...Moreover, you will receive extra information about what is happening in your club in an easy and clear way, with a log of all the things that has happened in your club since its creation. You will also be able to, once in a season, set your target. You can see your supporter's mood and the number of fans. We are going to sum up the different aspects that you can configure in your Technical Secretary's Office:
6.01.-Actual streak: The number of consecutive matches won and/or without losing. It is very important for the mood of your fans, the better your chain of consecutive matches won, the easiest your stadium will be crowded and vice versa. Only official matches won count for the chain.
6.02.-Target: You can configure the target you establish for your team and you can do it at the beginning of each season. Depending on the risk that you take, achieving the target will be very positive for your supporters. If the risk is not a very high one, it will be slightly positive for your supporters. At the end of the season depending on whethet the target has been achieved or not, the number of your supporters will vary positively or negatively, so it is very important to establish your target at the beginning of the season (you will only be able to establish your targets during the first 2 weeks of the season) . The four possible targets are:
6.02.1-Promotion (Only 1st Position): The team must be the winner of this league to obtain its target.
6.02.2-Win the league (1st or 2nd Position): The team must be between the 1st and the 2nd in the league to obtain this target
6.02.3-Permanence (from 1st to 4th Position): The team must be between the 3rd and the 4th in the league to obtain this target
6.02.4-Promotion (from 1st to 6th Position): The team must be between the 5th and the 6th in the league to obtain this target
6.03.-State of the target: During the season, every time a round ends, there will be a calculation to determine if your goal has been obtained, not obtained or if on that moment you're on the right way or not. Let us explain:
6.03.1-Aimed: You are in position to reach your target but mathematically you're not there yet,
6.03.2-Very difficult: You are in a difficult position to reach the target but you can still achieve it
6.03.3-Achieved: You have reached the target that you established at the beginning of the season.
6.03.4-Go dead: It is impossible for you to achieve the target you had at the beginning of the season
6.04.-Supporters: This is the mood (state) in which your supporters are. This is affected by the results of your team and how well you're doing trying to achieve the target you've set at the beginning of the season. The mood of your supporters is very important as this will affect the number of supporters coming to watch your game and reaching an increase in supporters at the end season.
6.05.-First Team Trainer: All teams must have a coach for the first team players, this employee is responsible for performing the same training. Coaches have two options to choose from when you are hired, the first is the level of the coach, the higher the level the lower the number of training necessary for a player levels up, is a major factor in improving economic sport and your team, and the second are the qualities that are able to train, you can choose two main qualities (Goalkeeper, defense, creativity, winger and attack) and a secondary quality (position, passes, unmark and set pieces) or you can also choose a quality primary and two secondary, the advantage of choosing a primary and two secondary cost is 80% of the cost for a coach with two primary and one secondary (ie, if a coach now costs 1 million new type two secondary coach and only one primary cost € 800,000 and the same with the weekly salary, 80% compared to the coach of two primary and one secondary)
The combos are: Attack combo needs attack and uncheck, defense combo needs position and defense, midfield combo needs creativity and position, winger combo needs passes and winger and finally, goalkeeper combo needs goalkeeper and position.
6.07.-Physiotherapist: Its function is to have the team physically ready to avoid injuries. The level of the hired physiotherapist will have a great influence on the fortuitous injuries of your players. You have to understand that some injuries that may arise won't be the fault of your physiotherapist but because of the violent play of the other team. If your physiotherapist has the highest level, it doesn't mean you won't have injuries, but it will influence the length of them and in the fortuitous injuries of your players due to a bad training or a low physical preparation. You also have to control the physical form of your players because a bad form will lead to a higher injuries risk than a good physical form.
6.08.-Doctor: Nobody wants it to happen but is evident that in case of injuries the doctor is the person in charge of avoiding irreparable injuries and will deal with the medical treatment of every injury, it is evident that the better level he has the faster he can cure your players, as it is supposed it will be easier to recover young players than older players. A team of physiotherapists and doctors can avoid and lower the amount it takes for an injury to heal in your team. The doctor will tell you how long it takes for the injury to heal without medical attention and type of injury, the doctor will try to lower the amount the days needed to recover, but miracles do not exist. The faster a doctor can recover injuries the more salary he demands. The longer he works for your team the better.
6.09.-Juniors coach: They are in charge of the training of the youth school. The youth school can hold a maximum of 5 juniors per season. The level of the junior coach reduces the amount of weeks needed to skill up. The youth coach has different from a first team coach the capacity to every youth player at any skill. Beside the level of the youth coach, the capacity the youth coach can is important. If you sign a high-level coach with a capacity of 5, this would be very expensive meaning that only wealthy teams can afford this. But having a high-level coach with a capacity of 1 or 2 is less expensive can be afforded by teams with a lower budget.
6.10.-Internal News: Here you could see all the internal news about your team like when the training has ended, new signings and sells... It could be called your team's log book. You can see what has happened round after round or season after season.
6.11.-Special hiring conditions for the new trainer: The first team trainers do only have a contract for a period of 48 weeks which is 3 seasons. When the contract is finished, you will be able to negotiate over a new contract. This will cost less than his first contract. If you do not have the money or are not willing to renew his contract, his level will lower with nothing less than 2 levels. (for example from Passable High to Passable Low) His contract will be automatically renewed but will cost you only 50% of what you would pay for a new trainer. If your trainer has a level lower than Beginner Low, he will leave your team automatically. The board will hire a new one but with a lower level ( no team can play matches without first team trainer) . Before this happens, and only in case of enough trust from the board in your trainer, you will be able to negotiate over a contract. You will be informed in time when his contract runs out. You can see when the contract runs out on the trainer information page. The trainer has a contract that lasts 48 weeks. From week 40 you can negotiate with him about a contract extension. Should you be unable to agree with him the trainer will lose 2 trainers levels, does he reach beginner low, he will receive permission to leave the team moreover his contract will be automatically extended by 3 seasons while you pay 50% of his value on the market. ( if you don't want him anymore, you can always fire him). Check the section "negotiations" for more info on the matter.
6.12.-Special hiring conditions will be applied to the new juniors trainer: Youth trainers will only maintain their training level and their training capacity for an amount of 48 weeks or 3 seasons. When his contract runs out you're able to negotiate over a new one, costing you less than a new hiring, but if you do not have enough money or you do not want to renew him, he will lose a level in both his level and capacity. If a youth trainer has capacity for only one youth player, and you do not agree over a new contract, he will leave the club. You will be informed in time if that is the case. You can see when the contract runs out on the trainer's page. This is to remind you that the contract of your youth coaches last for 48 weeks (3 seasons). If you want to extend this contract you can do so starting from week 40. If you do not reach an agreement with him, this may lower their ability to train a player less and also a lower level of training and it will be automatically extended with another 3 seasons, in which you will have to pay a minimum of 50% of the price such a coach would cost on the market (If you don't want him to stay any longer you can fire him before the period expires). And if any of the levels reaches 0 he will receive permission from the board to leave. When negotiating with your youth coach you have a dead line of 8 weeks before you must have an agreement.
Economy |
7.- Economy: As the season in ProFurgol.com only lasts 16 weeks and as such it’s an agile and quick game, doing the economy every month will be very slow, and every day will be a madness, so it is structured week per week. We have tried build an economy which seems to be as real as possible in the easiest and simplest way. You can see your expenses weekly as well as your benefits of your team; on the main screen you can see the present week and the previous one, but if you want to make it more difficult and want to have more information about the economy of your team, you can click on the available pages each page will show you the incomes and expenses made/obtained so far, and it will give you a clear idea of the future situation and a reminder of what you have done throughout the whole or since your club was created. We’re going to revise the different aspects the Economy make available for you in the future.
7.00.-Bankruptcy: It is very important to bear in mind, that if you don't have a positive balance you can't make any financial move. The ProFurgol bank gives you some breathing space though, they allow you to have a negative balance of -100.000€ before you're declared bankrupt. If you exceed this amount, the bank calls your team bankrupt as a result of that the Board will take serious measures. These measures can vary strongly but they are all aimed to cut costs, this can be by for example selling players. If the costs can't be cut, you won't be allowed to pay your players and staff and will protest. First they don't want to train, then they don't want to play and after 8 weeks you're officially declared bankrupt and your club will be closed. So it's very important to remember that you have 8 weeks to fix the problems in such situations. If you succeed fixing those problems the measures will be left and you'll be in full control again.
If this does not happen, the Board of Directors will freeze your accounts so that you cannot pay your employers and they will rebel little by little; first, they will not train your players and juniors any more; then, angry, they will decide not to play so you will have less players to line up each week and finally, after 8 weeks, your club will be definitely closed due to Technical Bankrupt. Therefore we advice you to keep an eye on the finances.
7.01.-Previous balance: The available money you had the previous week.
7.02.-This week balance: Difference between expenditure and entries of the actual week.
7.03.-Actual Balance: The available money you can spend.
7.04.-Actual week: It shows us all the expenses and deposits that we have done this week, having divided them into different accounts to have a better analysis.
7.05.-Previous week: It shows us all the expenses and deposits that we did last week, having divided them into different accounts to have a better analysis.
7.06.-Incomes: The money we get from different accounts as a positive balance.
7.07.-Expenditure: The money you have spend is divided into different accounts with fixed and varying expenses
7.08.-Accounts: The finances in your club are separated over various accounts. In this way it's easy to refer to as well as being able to control your finances in a better way and thus be able to make a better medium-long strategy.
7.08.1-Account Sponsors: Here you get weekly information about your sponsor money. The better your position in the league as well as the better you fulfill your objectives, the more money you will receive. At the beginning of the season, in the first week all teams experience big differences in the amount of sponsor money they receive compared to the previous season. This is because the sponsor evaluates the team season per season and week per week. In the first 2 weeks you might receive a little bit less therefore. During the first two weeks of the season you may change your sponsor, there are 3 levels of risk: low, medium and high risk, this is important so think well about it (during a season changing is impossible). There will be three levels of risk: low, medium and high. Within each level you can choose the sponsor that we want to sponsor during the season, as the objective is to something the team manager should study well and make sure what you choose because during the season you can not change. During any time of the season can change the team sponsor but respecting the level chosen at the beginning of the season. The sponsors will reward those deemed most competitive leagues, especially considering the number of semibots on leagues. Obviously it is much easier to position itself above if semibots racing if you compete with other users. This means that revenues will not decline but those leagues with high competition (without semibots) will receive special attention from the sponsors of each club. Here's an explanation of each level (to choose your sponsor you should go to your Technical Secretariat): risk: A sponsor with low risk means that when you win and your position in the league is good weekly payment will not suffer, besides when you lose and have a lower position in the league the reduction will be small. By choosing this sponsor you're assured of more or less the same amount of sponsor money disregarded of winning or losing.
| risk: A sponsor with normal risk means that when you win and your position in your league is fine you will receive a proper week income but on the other hand if you lose and your league position is low the punishment will be normal.
| risk: A Sponsor with high risk means that when you win and your position in the league is good weekly payment will be very high and your budget will rise as the foam, but on the other hand if you lose and you have a lower position in the league the punishment will be severe.
| If you're not sure your team is going to end high on the table it's advisable to choose Low Risk, in that case you will get less money but the sponsor won't be as demanding as when you choose High Risk. If you're in a league where you will get several ups and downs choose the medium risk. If you think you are in a league where you're the best or the second best don't hesitate to choose High Risk. You will much more money but will receive a lot less when you can't keep your promise. These are just advices, you're the manager so you know best what to pick it means you're responsible yourself though, the same goes when you made the right choice though.
7.08.2-Account Stadium:
Here you will get weekly information about the maintenance of your stadium and the income generated from the attendance in your stadium when playing at home.
7.08.3-Account Transfer List: Here you will have information week after week of the expenditures and the profits that you obtain due to the sell and purchase of players, and also bonuses you get from youth players that have grown up in your team.
7.08.4-Account Transfer: Here you will have information week after week of the expenditures and the profits that you obtain from salaries and commissions.
7.08.7-Account ProFurgol.com Bank: Here you will have information week after week of the expenditures and the profits that you obtain due to your relation to ProFurgol.com. This account will be used for fines (debts) and prizes (Position in the league, Scorer, etc) that ProFurgol.com and its workers awarded.
7.08.8-Account Salaries: Here you have information week after week of the salary's expenditures of all the club's employees, players, coaches, juniors,... The better your team becomes, the bigger this quantity will be
7.09.-Financial rewards: At the end of the season the bonus corresponding the achieved positions in the league will be distributed. To know how much you will receive you have to look to the table corresponding the league you're playing in.
· Division I |
1ª Position in the league: | 1.125.000€ |
2ª Position in the league: | 788.000€ |
3ª Position in the league: | 450.000€ |
4ª Position in the league: | 285.000€ |
Direct Promotion
: | 0€ |
Promotion by promotion/relegation match: | 0€ |
Topscorer: | 105.000€ |
Teams with most goals: | 105.000€ |
Teams with least goals against.: | 105.000€ |
· Division II |
1ª Position in the league: | 675.000€ |
2ª Position in the league: | 473.000€ |
3ª Position in the league: | 270.000€ |
4ª Position in the league: | 165.000€ |
Direct Promotion
: | 443.000€ |
Promotion by promotion/relegation match: | 165.000€ |
Topscorer: | 75.000€ |
Teams with most goals: | 75.000€ |
Teams with least goals against.: | 75.000€ |
· Division III |
1ª Position in the league: | 540.000€ |
2ª Position in the league: | 375.000€ |
3ª Position in the league: | 218.000€ |
4ª Position in the league: | 135.000€ |
Direct Promotion
: | 353.000€ |
Promotion by promotion/relegation match: | 135.000€ |
Topscorer: | 60.000€ |
Teams with most goals: | 60.000€ |
Teams with least goals against.: | 60.000€ |
· Division IV |
1ª Position in the league: | 420.000€ |
2ª Position in the league: | 293.000€ |
3ª Position in the league: | 165.000€ |
4ª Position in the league: | 105.000€ |
Direct Promotion
: | 270.000€ |
Promotion by promotion/relegation match: | 105.000€ |
Topscorer: | 45.000€ |
Teams with most goals: | 45.000€ |
Teams with least goals against.: | 45.000€ |
· Division V |
1ª Position in the league: | 330.000€ |
2ª Position in the league: | 233.000€ |
3ª Position in the league: | 135.000€ |
4ª Position in the league: | 83.000€ |
Direct Promotion
: | 218.000€ |
Promotion by promotion/relegation match: | 83.000€ |
Topscorer: | 30.000€ |
Teams with most goals: | 30.000€ |
Teams with least goals against.: | 30.000€ |
Training |
8.- Training: This is one of the most important areas in your club. Your training will positively influence the sports face (you will improve players’ classifications) and the economical face (you will have good players you will sell to buy different ones). In order to maximize the training it is recommendable to train 10 players, to establish a strategy in a medium – long term with the younger players who prosper faster. To do so it is important to carefully study the necessities of your team and to have young players to train and some older in those positions you do not train. The second thing in importance is the training of the Trainer, who will decide which qualities must be trainer and the level of the training (the higher the level is, the least the number of trainings needed by your players to increase their qualities)
8.01.-Training of the Tuesday and Thursday: On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can configure the training of 5 players each day. The same player can do two trainings in a week, but if you train a player the same quality, it will be half-trained on Thursday. A skill up on a primary skill for a 20 year old player will approximately take 7-8 weeks and 3 – 4 weeks if it’s a secondary one (check players’ qualities). You can’t train a player in 2 different qualities in the same training day. The changes in training between Tuesdays and Thursdays can only be configured and changed until 30 minutes before the training begins. The player does not have to play a match in order to receive training. The formation or line up don't have influence on the training.
8.02.-Your players: Here you can see all of your player’s cards to have by hand all the date to choose the players to shape the trainings. The qualities of your players are whole values, but each player has a milesimal value which controls the so called “sublevel” of each quality which is invisible for all the Managers. This “sublevel” grows in a hiding way to the Manager, but when this “sublevel” makes a progress in the level of the quality, the Manager is warned and he sees how the player changes the quality to the next upper level. This change, when there is a veteran player, can be downwards because as he grows older, the qualities reduce themselves very quickly in a similar way the player grows older.
8.03.-First Team Trainer: This is one of the most important ways of improving your team. His level affects the speed of progression of your players while they train. The moment your team is activated a medium-low level trainer will be assigned to your team. We strongly advice to immediately hire a trainer with a better level, but only one you can pay. Study your players and create a strategy before you decide which player has to train on what skill. Choose a trainer that fits in your plans. You can choose two primary skills and one secondary. Every trainer can train their players in form and musculature beside their primary and secondary skills. Bear in mind that only young players can be trained optimally, they need less training sessions to have a skill up.
8.04.-Number of training sessions: Here you will have access to a log of all training session of each player in a certain skill. When the player reaches a level it will be set to 0. This will help you to see the number of training sessions finished between each skill up.
8.05.-Changes in the trainings: Here you have access to a log of all changes in skills and value of all weeks. In this way you have all the information of each player in terms of training. When a training session counter is back to zero it means the player has had a skill up for example from passable low to passable.
8.06.-Special hiring conditions for the new trainer: The first team trainers do only have a contract for a period of 48 weeks which is 3 seasons. When the contract is finished, you will be able to negotiate over a new contract. This will cost less than his first contract. If you do not have the money or are not willing to renew his contract, his level will lower with nothing less than 2 levels. (for example from Passable High to Passable Low) His contract will be automatically renewed but will cost you only 50% of what you would pay for a new trainer. If your trainer has a level lower than Beginner Low, he will leave your team automatically. The board will hire a new one but with a lower level ( no team can play matches without first team trainer) . Before this happens, and only in case of enough trust from the board in your trainer, you will be able to negotiate over a contract. You will be informed in time when his contract runs out. You can see when the contract runs out on the trainer information page. The trainer has a contract that lasts 48 weeks. From week 40 you can negotiate with him about a contract extension. Should you be unable to agree with him the trainer will lose 2 trainers levels, does he reach beginner low, he will receive permission to leave the team moreover his contract will be automatically extended by 3 seasons while you pay 50% of his value on the market. ( if you don't want him anymore, you can always fire him). Check the section "negotiations" for more info on the matter.
8.07.-Form and musculature training: Both kinds of trainings can be trained with any coach, but as they are special trainings we want to remind about some aspects for a better understanding. It's important to notice that both skills are influenced by age as opposed to other skills. A player can have a full skill up in form after the training. ( from his first training he can do so) Musculature has a hidden limit for every player and needs 5 or 6 training sessions to improve. When the player did not have a skill up in musculature it means the limit has been reached. Form is nothing else than the psychical fitness of the players in each week of the season. 50% Of your players will have their form updates every Thursday. The update rewards or punishes the usage by the manager of the player during the week. A player who plays or trains twice a week will be tired, a player who does not play will lose form due to inactivity. His form raises in case of correct usage. For young players with a higher level of musculature it's easier to have a higher form. A player with a high level of form will use his possibilities better and can support his team better than a player with less form.
8.08.-Attack Combo and Defensive Combo : To be able to use these type of training your trainer needs the following to skills to fulfill the combo: For an attack combo it's necessary to have Attack and Unmark, defense combo needs Defense and Position. These trainings have no advantage or disadvantage it's just a way of training secondary skills without letting the player train twice a week ( primary and secondary). A combo training consists of 50% primary and 50% secondary training. A player who uses this option will train 0.5 in the primary and 0.5 in the secondary skill. In this way you can train both primary and secondary skills without losing form. A combo training can only be held Tuesdays. Also here training twice a week will be punished by losing form.
Juniors |
9.- Juniors: Al teams can have up to 5 youth players, these 5 players can be trained in every possible skill. At the end of the season ( during week 15 and 16 to be precise, the week number changes on Monday right after the financial update) you can promote the youth players to the first team or fire them. In this way you create new spaces for new youth players who must stay for at least a season. Of course it's possible to keep them in the youth team for another season. To get the best out of your youth school it's important to have a good training plan and a good trainer, we will explain it below:
9.00.-Limit age for being a Junior: Youth players can be promoted to the junior school at the age of 15 or 16, but they can only be there until they are 19. If you do not promote them before that time, they themselves will ask for it and be promoted directly to the first team. You'll be asked to give them a number so they can start training. If you want to promote him to the first team before that age, you must take into account that he must have been in the junior school for at least one season. So, the minimum age for a junior player to promote to the first team is 16 and the maximum is 20. This means that the season when he is 19 years old he can continue being part of your junior school. Remember that taking him into your school means he'll be in your junior school and promoting him will change his contract from a youth contract to a professional contract. This means he will be a professional player and belongs to your first team.
9.01.-Information of your juniors: Here you can manage your juniors. You have a file with the most important skills of each one of them. You can only promote or dismiss your juniors during pre-season. If you click on the name of a junior you will have more detailed information displaying his personal file. It's important to point out that each youth player has a fixed salary at the beginning and a value of 0 out of 1000. After the first training this value will be updated. More information about player's value in player's section in Official Guide.
9.02.-Juniors coaches: The best way to improve your youth’s players performance depends on the quality of your youth’s trainers. As top you can hire 5 youth’s trainers. Design your youth training strategy thinking in your first team development. It’s easy to hire a high level trainer able to train only 1 player but it will become more expensive when he will be able to train more youths players until the feature of 5. At any moment youths’ trainers can be fired or taken on. Keep in mind that it’s not possible to get 2 trainers with the same training level. You are allowed to keep some trainers but with different level.
9.03.-Special hiring conditions will be applied to the new juniors trainer: Youth trainers will only maintain their training level and their training capacity for an amount of 48 weeks or 3 seasons. When his contract runs out you're able to negotiate over a new one, costing you less than a new hiring, but if you do not have enough money or you do not want to renew him, he will lose a level in both his level and capacity. If a youth trainer has capacity for only one youth player, and you do not agree over a new contract, he will leave the club. You will be informed in time if that is the case. You can see when the contract runs out on the trainer's page. The trainer has a contract that lasts 48 weeks. From week 40 you can negotiate with him about a contract extension. Should you be unable to agree with him the trainer will lose 2 trainers levels, does he reach beginner low, he will receive permission to leave the team moreover his contract will be automatically extended by 3 seasons while you pay 50% of his value on the market. ( if you don't want him anymore, you can always fire him). Check the section "negotiations" for more info on the matter.
9.04.-Juniors training: When you have your 5 youth players along with the coach or coaches. You need to set up a weekly training. Your youth players train once a week. Their training is the same as your first team with one exception they train a few percent more. In the first team they don't receive those extra percent so consider keeping your youth players a bit longer but it's still up to you to decide.
9.05.-Number of training sessions: Here you will be able to see the improves made by your youth players in a certain skill. When your youth player has a skill up in a certain skill, the counter that displays the amount of training sessions between a skill up will be reset. In this way you can estimate the amount of time needed before he has his next skill up.
9.06.-Changes in the trainings: On this page you have access to a log that shows all the skill ups/downs and value changes of your youth players. Week after week, season after season. In this way you can see his whole process over the seasons.
Matches |
10.- Matches: Here you are able to see all the matches you have played and the ones you will have to play in the near future. It's important to, when you have studied your team and rival, adapt your line-up and formation to gain the best results possible. There are some default line-ups available and 2 free slots to be able to make your own formation.
10.00.-Match engine: We can tell you some basic things about the engine without using extensive details one of those things is how the engine parts work internally. The engine uses data and below we will tell how they are used to simulate a match. The first thing you should know is that there are individual and team skills, with this data the engine calculates the amount of spectators, referee's decisions, and to calculate the strategies.
The engine compares both the formations and line ups of the teams and calculates the individual and team values. Using 3 strikers is absolutely not the same as using one, the same goes for other positions as well. Also left and right-footed players will be calculated different, after that the musculature and form will be calculated. It's important to get the best ratings possible but it doesn't mean you automatically win the game if your rating is higher. There is also a factor called "luck" and don't forget the tactic of your opponent, with a good tactic you can influence the outcome of the game strongly.
The engine calculates the value of the midfield and distributes the chances to the teams. (more ball possession means more chances) But more ball possession absolutely doesn't mean you win the match automatically, because those chances aren't necessary scoring chances.
When the game starts the chances are shown during the match. Based on all kinds of factors it's easy or hard to score a goal. Bear in mind that your LEFT striker will have to go past the RIGHT defender and vice versa. Then there are the set pieces, like corners, penalties but also other things like free kicks and counters. To score you need a good striker and enough ball possession. Losing can be hard but gives you motivation to go on and test and improve your tactics. Maybe you will have more luck next season. There are a lot of ways to make your team stronger.
10.01.-Played matches: Click on the link of a played match to see the results, the things that have happened during the match, and detailed statistics to be able to study the whole match.
10.01.1-Global statistics: Here you can see the match result, line-ups of both teams, and fouls statistics, possession and cards.
10.01.2-Match commentary: This link shows you the comments of your match in text mode. These comments are separated in phrases of the most important actions of your match such as the time in minutes and so on using a different color for the home and away teams. With these sentences and the match result you can analyze what has gone well or wrong to improve the line up or formations for your future matches. Every good coach should review all of his team matches a thousand times. Here the TV is broken and we only receive the radio comments, but for a wise and perceptive manager like you these comments should be enough to improve your team and gain more from it.
10.01.3-Stats: Here you see a little summary of your match in numbers. Don't make them betray you, statistics just don't lie, but they don't give you victories. Consider these data, study and learn from them. It's simply nonsense that when you're a bit better on paper than your opponent, you'll always win. We repeat: statistics don't give victories.
10.01.4-Team marks: This screen allows you to see and to measure the rating progress of your team displayed by field zones..You can check if your new right winger has contributed to your rating as much as you would have hoped for. These ratings are the value of your team in some zones of the pitch and of course, each pitch zone is influenced by a few players. I
10.01.5-Individual marks: This link will take you to see your team formation on the pitch and moreover the individual rating of each player in each position in the field. By checking it you will be able to know the best position of a player, or how to make a player contribute more. A good coach should assess all that information match by match to improve performances. Experience and enough information are important.
10.02.-Next matches: If you click on the link of the next match opens a page where you will see where and when the match will be held. You will also be able to change your line up.
10.02.1-Away and home team efect: In every match played in ProFurgol.com there is an effect which must be noticed. This effect benefits home teams, and thus works against away teams and make more difficult to defeat the home team and give you a benefit in home team matches.This means that when you are playing at home you increase your attack and midfield ratings, but your defence is worse, because your team tends to attack more when it plays at home. However, an away team plays in a stadium he doesn't know well and can therefore be overwhelmed. As an away team your defence will perform better than normal but your attack will decrease a litlle bit.
10.02.2-Derby or Home game efect: This effect only occurs in matches in which both teams are from the same region. When that occurs the home team effect will disappearand both teams play without any benefit. That is because the away team is supposed to feel more encouraged because they play against a rival. While normally the away team plays in a stadium they don't know and could therefore be overwhelmed.
10.03.-Set line-up: You need to click this link to make the line-up and formation that you want for each match. You will have to have the line-up confirmed for your match 30 minutes before it begins, if you're too late, you will not be able to change the formation and line-up for that match, so do not wait until the last moment. In this section there are a lot of aspects you need to know about so we will explain them one by one to you:
10.03.1-Change line-up: It is a drop-down menu from where you can choose the line-up you want for each match. In this menu you have a set of pre-defined line-ups, but if you choose the option 'Generated' you could make a drawing of a line-up without limits, as you like, and you could do the tactitc you prefer to fight against your next rival. Test in the friendly matches and make changes until you find the tactic that obtains the best results and that fixes better to your player's team.
10.03.2-Numbers: Here you will see all the players who have a number (and who could be lined-up for a match) separated by the different positions they have on the pitch. When hoovering you can see all the important details of each player, which could help you when choosing the best position of each player .Keep in mind that for each position in the field there are main and secondary qualities. The better these qualities are, the better he will perform. It doesn't make sense to put a striker with Outstanding attack in defence since the skill Attack is useless for a defender.
10.03.3-Substitutes: Here you are able to choose the substitutions of your team. This option is very important as your substitutions can substitute an injured player who can't play anymore, forgetting to set substitutions would in this case mean you would play with 10 men. Make sure you set the positions of the players correctly, putting an attacker in defence might ruin your match.
10.03.4-Formation: Here you have to fill in each position of the pitch with the number of the player that you think has the best skills for that position. As mention above, it's utter nonsense to put an attack in defence because the attacker does not have the required skills for that position. In real life no manager would put Fabregas in the goal, unless someone bribed the manager so why would you do that here? You have to study which skills are needed for which position to make sure you have the best line up possible. If you have a very good defence and a poor bunch of forwards, make sure you gain the best out of the defenders to make sure you keep a clean sheet and win some matches so that you have money in the future to buy some better forwards. Here you have a useful chart to decide which player plays best at which position:
Necessary skills for each position on the field |
Position |
Physical |
Primary |
Secondaries |
- Goalkeeper |
Form Physique |
Goalkeeper |
- Normal: Position |
- Central defender |
Form Physique |
Defense |
- Normal: Position and Passes
- Offensive: Creativity and Passes
- Towards side: Winger and Passes
- Full-back |
Form Physique |
Winger |
- Normal: Passes and Defense
- Deffensive: Defense and Position
- Offensive: Creativity and Passes
- Towards midfield: Position and Defense
- Central midfielder |
Form Physique |
Creativity |
- Normal: Position and Passes
- Deffensive: Defense and Position
- Offensive: Passes and Unmark
- Towards side: Winger and Unmark
- Winger |
Form Physique |
Winger |
- Normal: Unmark and Creativity
- Deffensive: Defense and Creativity
- Offensive: Passes and Unmark
- Towards midfield: Creativity and Position
- Forward |
Form Physique |
Attack |
- Normal: Unmark and Passes
- Deffensive: Creativity and Defense
- Towards side: Winger and Passes
10.03.5-Corner kicker and free kicker: Here you have to set a plaer who has the highest skill on Set Pieces. Together with his passing and experience he will not only take free kicks and penalties but also free kicks and corners. Choose the player with the highest Set Piece skills but also take a look at experience to make sure he doesn't get nervous. Passing is always a handy skill when having to cross a ball in.
10.03.6-Change line up: You can only click this option if the line up used is made by you. If so, you can edit the formation. All positions except the goalkeeper can be replaced. You can use your own imagination when making formations, although there are some limits. Also bear in mind that it's of major importance that you thoroughly scout your opponent to use the weak spots of your opponent in your advantage. The user who manages his team the best will have better results in the short term. 1 of 2: The first step to do when making your own line up is, choosing the positions on the field.. Remember that there are some slight limitations when making a line up:
- The goalkeeper can't be moved and should stay at his spot.
- In each box you can only choose one position.
- You can select as much positions in each line as you want.
- You can not select more than 3 central defenders, central midfielders or strikers.
- There can not be more than 10 selected positions.
- To remove a position use the matching cross.
| 2 of 2: The second step when you're creating or editing your line up is to check whether you're satisfied with the result. If that's not the case, press cancel and try it again. When you're finally satisfied you can give your own line up a name. This is recommended because it's easier to select the line up the next time. Other teams can't see your names. Only the number of positions per line: 4-4-2, and so on.
10.03.7-Focus Attacks: Here you can decide which side of the field should be used to attack most. For example: If you have a left offensive winger and no winger on the other side it's logical that you want most attacks to occur on the left side of the field this is especially important when your opponent's defence or your attack is too weak. It's generally very important to focus your attacks. It's very important to study your opponent and to strengthen your weak side. If you decide not to focus, the attacks will be played over either of the 3 sides. The various possibilities are: touchline:
With this tactical focus your players will try to play most of their attacks on the right side of the field, which is the left side of the opponent's defence.
| touchline: With this tactical focus your players will try to play most of their attacks on the left side of the field, which is the right side of the opponent's defence
| sides: With this tactical focus your players will try to play most of their on both sides of the field, which is of course both sides of the opponent's defence
| Attack : With this tactical focus your players will try to play most of their attacks on the center of the field, which is the center of the opponent's defense.
| shot:
With this tactical focus your players will shoot on goal and thus bombard the opponent's goalkeeper.
10.03.8-Choose Penalty kickers: If you click this link you will be able to choose the penalty kickers in case of a penalty shoot-out in the next match. In the league matches the matches are always finished after 90 minutes, shoot-outs don't exist in those matches. The only matches were shoot-outs happen are cup matches and promotion/relegation matches. After 90 minutes and 2 times 15 minutes of extra time there will be shoot-outs, in that case it's of big importance that you have chosen the penalty-kick takers prior to the match. For taking penalty kicks the following skills are important: Set Pieces, Attack and Experience.
10.04.-Team marks: Here we will explain in detail what's needed to improve the rating of our team, which positions should we use and which are the most important ones. For the match engine the whole team is important. in other words, when your team is more balanced the better the values are in the zones: attack, midfield and defense. The match engine analyzes the line up in 7 zones that can be influenced by the players in many ways. Depending on their position they will contribute more or less to your rating. Example: A right defender won't add much to the left defense zone but a central defender will contribute to both zones.
10.04.1-Midfield: The midfield zone is a zone in which a lot of players have influence as it's the headquarters of your players.
10.04.2-Right back: The rating of the lateral defence area is based on players that play on that particular side. The players of the other side don't have influence. Players that do have influence are: full back, wing, midfielders, central defenders and the goalkeeper.
10.04.3-Central defense: The central defense rating is based on players who play in the central section of the pitch. The positions involved are central defenders, midfielders, full backs and the goalkeeper.
10.04.4-Left back: The rating of the lateral defence area is based on players that play on that particular side. The players of the other side don't have influence. Players that do have influence are: full back, wing, midfielders, central defenders and the goalkeeper.
10.04.5-Right Attack : The lateral attack rating is based in players who play along this side and is not influenced by players of the opposite side. The positions involved are wingers, full back, midfielders and forwards.
10.04.6-Central Attack : The central attack zone is influenced by central players. The positions that contribute to the rating are strikers, midfielders and wingers.
10.04.7-Left Attack : The lateral attack rating is based in players who play along this side and is not influenced by players of the opposite side. The positions involved are wingers, full back, midfielders and forwards.
10.05.-Referee: From the season 5 PRO, all matches will have assigned a referee. This new comes with a little surprise. The type/ character of the referee is directly involved in matches that referees and will be felt in them. As a main point no one will know which referee is assigned to his match until it begins to play. In the following lines we will explain how can change his intervention in matches that referees according to the type of referee who is.
10.05.1-Permissive: This kind of referees let to play in excess, they aren't used to whistling fouls and the match could become in a mess, it benefits teams with strong attacks but at the same time is too permissive with teams playing aggressive defenses, this permissiveness could cause that trainer screams and shouts more than normal.
10.05.2-Good: This is the kind of referee preferred by all trainers, they are just and watch attentively every play, few times are wrong and they love fair play, they know when penalizing and when let playing. Many players feel admiration for them because it's rare to find one.
10.05.3-Disputatious: These kind of referees are delighted being too important, they are wrong in many decisions and they don't whistle a lot of fouls angering everyone involved. It's important to keep calm and to forget as soon as possible.
Friendlies |
11.- Friendlies: Here you can decide which team you want to play your friendly against. You can send invites here or accept invites from other people.Choose if you wish to be the home team or the away team. Moreover, you must choose whether you want to play via the league or cup rules, the first means that the match takes 90 minutes and the latter means that there will be extra times/penalties in case of a draw after the regular playing team. Playing friendlies does not affect your supporter's mood the only benefit you have from playing these matches is that you will receive 50% of the ticket income. Playing friendlies is a good way to try new line ups and formation. You can only play one friendly per week.
11.01.-News: Here you will find information on whether your friendly invitation has been accepted and you can accept invites send by others. The crowd likes cup rule matches more than a match played with league rules.
11.02.-Requests made for the: Here you have information about the requests you've send to other teams, showing only the ones that have not been canceled. When one of the invited teams accepts the invite, you automatically book a friendly. The rest of the requests are erased and the teams will be informed automatically. The rival team always gets information on how you prefer to play: which team is the home team and which the away team? And whether the match will be played using the league or cup rules.
11.03.-Requests friendlies for the: Here you have information about the request you have received of other teams without being yet accepted or canceled. Once you accept one, the rest of request are erased and the teams are automatically informed. This requests give you information about the rival team, if either you play as local or visiting team and the type or rules.
Here you have information about the requests that haven't been accepted or canceled yet. Once you accept one, the other requests are erased, and the teams will be automatically informed. When inviting the teams they will receive information about your preferences: Which team will act as home team and which as away? What kind of rules do apply? Cup or league?
11.04.-Search teams to play friendlies: On this page you can search teams to invite. You can search by the team's name, user or ID, it's also possible to use the country parameter to search. When you have found the team you would like to challenge, you must click on it and in the right bottom you will see a box called friendlies. There you must configure the invite.
11.05.-International Football Friendly : These are games played between teams from different countries. The kick off time is the time friendlies are played in the country of the home team. When you're the away team, you'll see the time is not the same as the time your friendly would normally start at. The trip to the country is free at this moment. Moreover, there are small differences between national and international friendly matches. In case of an international friendly there will be more attendance and thus more income generated. The income will be divided between both teams. The players will also receive a little bit more experience than they would get when playing national friendlies. As well you can't accept and ask an international friendly on Wednesdays.
Stadium |
12.- Stadium: This option allows you to perform all actions as to your stadium you can see all the constructional works that are being performed now. The amount of attendance you will have in your stadium is based on: the status of objectives, the current win/loss chain, the mood of your supporters, position in the league of your team and your opponent, the confidence on the trainer. It's important to know that in the best conditions possible you will have an attendance of 6 times the amount of fans. Bear in mind that this is just an estimation. If the conditions are bad on the other hand, the expected amount of attendance is worse. This information will help you to know the reaction of your supporters on your management. So it's not advisable to just enlarge your stadium with the idea that everything is going to be fine. Studying those parameters it won't be too hard to be able to come up with the best stadium size at the moment.
12.01.-Modify seats: Here you can do works in your stadium; by now you can only enlarge and reduce the seats in your stadium. It is important for you to keep in mind that it makes no sense to have an enormous stadium without enough fans and vice versa. Using logic when doing an extension, you must know that the foundations of a house are needed before having the roof. So, according to this premise, when enlarging your stadium, the foundations will be the towers and the lower level. That is, if you want to enlarge the east side (on the right), you will have to make sure that the ring is completely finished and ready to be build upon. This means the side you want to build, and the flanking towers, must have a complete ring built. The towers need to have a second ring if you want the east side to have a second ring. Following the previous example, we are saying that when building the seats in the 2nd ring on the east side (on the right), you need to have to build these things: the whole 1st ring in the east side and also the two towers next to the east side (A and C) in their 1st and 2nd ring. According to this logic, you cannot build the 3rd ring in tower A without having built in the same tower the 1st and the 2nd ring previously.
12.02.-Works done: You can see here a list of all the construction works that have been done in your stadium, enlargements and reductions, with the number of seats and date of completion of each work so that you can see all the changes that your stadium has underwent since you're the manager of your team.
12.03.-Ticket Prices: Next!!!
12.04.-Ends: You have the following sides; the South Side (along tower A and B) and the North side (along tower C and D). It's important to know which tower leans on which side to know the order of building your stadium in case you want to extend it.
12.05.-Sides: There are two sides; the left side on the west (leans on tower A and C) and the right side on the east (leans on tower B and D). It is important to know which tower leans on which side to know to know the order of building your stadium in case you want to extend it.
12.06.-Towers: There are four towers. Unlike the sides and ends to be able to construct towers amphitheaters you only need to have ended the lower amphitheater to the new project.
12.07.-Amphitheater: These are the 3 maximum heights that the stadium can have in the towers, sides and ends. Thus, the 1st ring is the height number 1; the 2nd is height number2 and the 3rd is height number3; so, to build the 3rd one you need the 2nd and the 1st and so on.
12.08.-VIP Boxes : Only and exclusively when you have built the 3 rings, you could build in the sides and ends a 4th ring called VIP boxes. These ‘seats’ have a higher price than the other rings and if you manage to fill them completely, you will increase your income. Also, the building prices of these seats are not connected with the rest of the stadium.
Transfer List |
13.- Transfer List: From this screen you can see and verify the state of your purchases and current sales. Using the search engine you can indicate the characteristics of the players you are looking for and once the information is filtered, the page will tell you what players apply to your parameters. To make sure you don't have heaps of matches, adjust the player search using parameters like nationality and age. Do remember that the money you have available is the maximum amount you can bid.. We will now explain you about transfers.
13.00.-Rules: This is the explanation with fictitious example how bids work. If the last time of bidding is at 11.25, the last bid would be accepted at 11.24:59, the last bid would be accepted without adding 2 minutes at 11.23:59 and if the bid was only made between 11.24:00 and 11.24:59 the last time of bidding would add with 2 minutes more being 11.27 the new last time of bidding.
13.01.-Selling: Here you see players you have put on the transferlist. Moreover, you see who has placed the bid, how high that bid is and of course the deadline.
13.02.-Buying: Here you see the list of players you have bid the most money on at the moment. You'll see the amount of your offer and the his deadline.
13.03.-Sell player: When you decide to put up a player for sale ( player must have been at the club for at least a week) what you're actually doing is letting the ProFurgol.com community be able to bid on your player. The teams have to bid higher than the minimum offer. The teams keep on bidding on him until nobody his interest or funds anymore to keep on bidding. The deadline has a limit of 24, 48 or 72 hours. When somebody places a bid 1 minute before the deadline the deadline will be extended by another 2 minutes. It's not allowed just to bid to make the price higher, to offer ridiculously high bids or to buy/sell players from a team with the same IP like you. These things will be severely punished by the ProFurgol.com administrations.
13.04.-Free players: A free player is a dismissed player who does not have a team. There are two possibilities to become a free player. The first one can be because he believes the player does not have enough potential and believes that nobody will buy him. The second one can be to cut costs in case of a close bankruptcy situation where the manager tries to cut salaries. ( 8 weeks of inactivity or 8 weeks of having a debt of more than 100.000€) This team is from then on controlled by the ProFurgol bank. All players that were in the team are put for sale for 10 days, when bidding on him this deadline will changed to 3 days. On the other hand, if there haven't been any bids, he will stop playing football and will have to devote himself on other things in life. The first team of the player will lose his right of compensation as to being his mother club. From 2nd March 2009 once a team buys a free player and becomes the origin club will not be able to resell him in 56 days. The reason for this is the following, when a club becomes the origin club of a player it gets 100% rights on the player, we have decided to benefit the player and the club those right will be acquired only when the player remains 56 days in the club.
ProFurgol live |
14.- ProFurgol live: From here you may follow up to a maximum of 10 matches live, as long as these are in play or about to start. To make yourself an idea, this section of the game works like a tv, a tv that is capable of showing up to 10 matches at a time, what for?, so you can follow your own match, the matches of your mates or new friends made in ProFurgol, or even your rival´s matches. How? The following lines will explain how and when you can add matches to your virtual tv. Certainly it´s not a tv, it works more like a radio, but this similarity has been chosen so you can understand the meaning of this section. Also, you must know that to make it easier for you to follow what happens in every match and not make it hard work searching for info, only the last event of each match chosen is shown. That way only one event per match is displayed, making the vision of our "tv" much more simple and direct.
14.01.-When? : To add a game to ProFurgol live it doesn't matter whether the match is yours or not, whether it's played in your country or not... etc... You can add matches from 30 minutes of kick off.
14.02.-How? : Adding a live match is very simple. In every match page a blinking "ON-LINE" image appears. To add a match you have to click in this link and the match will be added automatically to your list of Profurgol Live matches. You can't follow more than 10 matches though. This can be done by going to the info page of the team. On the right you will find a link saying:"interesting links" search the match and click the ON-LINE image.
14.03.-Advice: If you're a VIP USER you can click on this link in your personal folder, in this way it's easy to keep track of your friends instead of using the search function each time. Don't hesitate... become VIP!
Hall of Fame |
15.- Hall of Fame: This section is like your a trophy cabinet. In this place you can save players in case they you don't want to sell him and are too old. You won't have to pay their salaries it's just a place where you can save all the players and trainers ( up to 10 slots for players and 2 for trainers) that are important to you.
News |
16.- News: This page will be shown each time you log in to ProFurgol.com. It's important to stay informed about everything that happens in ProFurgol.com. Do not forget to read the news as they might be important for you and your team.
16.01.-News ProFurgol.com: Here is a list with the 5 most important news items to inform all ProFurgol.com managers. It's therefore important to read these and to remember them. They might apply to your team in some way so they are important. If you want to the the rest of the news, then there is a link for you to see all the news.
16.02.-Internal News: Here you will see a list of the last IMPORTANT news of your team, such as bids for players that you follow, communiques of your Board of directors, mail notices etc. This news is the most important for your team so you must read them immediately. To read them you must click and the text will appear, it's important to read them because they might require an action to be made by you. When there is news you will be noticed.
ProFurgol Forum |
17.- ProFurgol Forum: The forum gives you a tool to stay in touch with other managers of ProFurgol.com. There is a sub forum for each league in every country in which you can talk with your rivals. Furthermore, there are general forums and specific ones for sales and arranging friendlies. The forum system is like a tree, where the main forum is the the trunk which grows big branches called the categories and the smaller branches forums, then comes the topics and last but not least the messages.
17.00.-Official rules: By now we don't have guidelines on where and how topics should be posted, but we beg you to respect and have patience with discussions and debates into the forums. Moreover, we remind you that the forums moderators have control so when they see unacceptable situations like abuses or controversial topics, they are allowed to block or to remove these. The moderators can punish managers that disobey their advices and or commands, by bans or fines.
17.01.-List of forums: Here you will be able to see a list off all countries that exist in ProFugol.com and they have their own individual forum where every member of that country can talk.
17.02.-List of forums: Here you will be able to see a list with all the forums inside a category. In all of the categories there are 2 forums called ProFurgol.com and No ProFurgol.com. As it is logical the first one is to talk about everything of the game and the second one is to talk about everything that has got nothing to do with ProFurgol.com.
17.03.-List of topics: Here you can see all topics there are in a forum. Topics are ordered by the date of the last message included in it. At the top are the stickies. Topics can be opened (it is possible to reply to it and it is classified as normal) stickies (it is listed first that any other and it is possible to reply to it) and at last closed (topics that have been closed by moderators or administrators for whatever reason)
17.04.-List of messages: Here you see a list with all messages of a topic. Clearly, in each topic or answer you can see the number of answers inside it, the message number, the published date and the author of the message.
17.05.-List of your favorite subforums: Here you can see the list of your favorite forums, the amount of favorite forums you can select is limited to 3. You will be able to add the forums you like and remove then without problems. It's very handy to have it at your disposal as it saves you some time. When you're VIP you can save up to 20 forums which you deem interesting.
Tickets |
18.- Tickets: From this link you can advise to ProFurgol.com workers about failures, problems, notices or possible troubles with other users for reasons like complaints or abuses. From here you can send any message to translators, moderators or official managers of ProFurgol.com. When your problem is relevant we will reply as soon as possible. In this way we can communicate with you in a fast, effective and direct way which means we can prevent/solve cheating and bugs. We thank you in advance for helping ProFurgol.com as nothing is perfect and so it applies to us.
18.01.-Translators: When you send a message to a translator it will be aimed to correct some wrong text or to improve the grammatical comprehension of some sentence. Explain your problem as good as possible and a translator will be in touch with you. Don't hesitate in case of bad translations or if you know how a better way how to phrase certain sentences. Thank you for your help.
18.02.-Moderators: When you send a commentary to a moderator it will be aimed to notice them about a controversial topic in a forum, or abuses from some user or something illegal or not allowed. It is important to fill the application form as good as possible to help to the moderators to review the issue and to take appropriate measures. Thank you for your help.
18.03.-Admins: When you send an advise or commentary to administrators it will be aimed to notice them about some illegal purchase between two teams, some e-mail abuses among users like: spam and so on,to demand explanations for a fine or to make notice of some kind of bug or problem with the game. Any translation issue must be sent to translators and any other to moderators. Please, fill in the form as good as possible, adding user team ID, players involved or punishment(s) you have received.
Promotion / relegation |
19.- Promotion / relegation: From this page you can see various information about promotion and relegation in ProFurgol.com. Promotion/relegation matches are only played if half or mkore of the leagues of the lower division are active: BOTS can't promote. Teams who play in a lower league that do not comply to those conditions will have to wait for new users to join ProFurgol.com meaning that when you play in one of the lower divisions you must watch this page closely. There is also a special condition: If the number of winners of a lower division is higher than the amount of bots in the division above, there could be forced promotions without relegations in the higher division.
19.01.-Direct promotion: In this part you can see the line where teams that promote directly are shown and the teams that will have to play a promotion/relegation match. It's possible that when you're the leader of your league you still don't promote since the amount of points and goal difference is a counting factor as well. You have to compare these with the other teams of the division in order to know whether you'll promote or not. If you have more points and goal difference than the rest, you will promote directly. If you are under the line you will have to play promotion/relegation matches. In that case you will play against a team in the higher division, if you win you promote, if your opponent wins you stay where you are.
19.02.-Direct relegation or promotion:
This link will tell you whether your league relegation/promotions are active in your division. If so, it's important to know that when you end up 5th or 6th in the league, you must play a promotion/relegation match in order to stay in your current division. If you lose you will be relegated and your opponent will promote to your league. In order to have active promotion/relegation, half or more of the bottom division must be active teams.
19.03.-Promotion: If you have to play a promotion/relegation match, it has two matches that will be played in the weeks 15 and 16, in ProFurgol.com's pre-season. One of the matches will be played in your stadium and one in your opponent's stadium. In the second match the goals of the first match are added, the amount of goals still should be the same, for instance: 3-3. Then the amount of goals when playing away will be counted double. In a case where there is still no difference, two extra time periods will be played, and if the result stays the same, a penalty shoot out will be played. If the amount of scored penalties is the same after 5 penalties, a so-called sudden death will be played until one team fails to score.Rivals in every game promotion is chosen in a random drawing of a group where it would be all the 5th and 6th division of the upper and lower half of the first of the lower division, the choice is random and in form of lottery without no written rule, but once chosen the matches always the first one is in the field of the team that promotes to ascend and vice versa, in addition the descending team defends his position if the ascending team wins he was occupying his position and vice versa.
19.04.-Bot: Teams without default line up, lose all matches by 5-0.
19.05.-Semibot: Teams with standard line ups, and without owner will always play the same.
PRO-mail |
20.- PRO-mail: From here you can communicate privately and individually with any team manager. To see your received messages you have to click on "Mail" and to send a message to a user you have to go to his team's information template and press on "Send Mail" and write the subject and the message. The manager will receive the e-mail in his internal news and a flashing note to advise him about it. The same works for you.
Punishments |
21.- Punishments: Here you will have access to the team’s fines record and also some informative notes about sharing IP’s with relatives and how to become a ProFurgol worker.The fines are meant to show the manager that his/her behavior and/or actions are wrong, without fines closing teams would be a normal habit which we want to avoid. It’s important to read the bankruptcy issue of the rules if you have been punished with a high fee. We also offer a second opportunity to those managers who have cheated, only managers who cheat as a habit will lose their team. It’s not allowed to talk about punishments in public nor giving away information about it to third parties. If you have been fined a link will show up, with which you can ask for a second opinion or discuss about it. Please, avoid complaining about clear proof or obvious cheating. Finally, we want to remind you that you can help ProFurgol.com by notifying illegal transfers or helping forum moderators with inappropriate topics. We all together can make ProFurgol.com a nice and respectful site. The punishments will be explained here:
21.01.-Misuse the Official Forum: Insults, Spam or bad words: If you insult or abominate other managers of the game in any forum and go on doing so after being warned, your team may be fined financially because of your attitude towards other managers of the game. Respect and be respected, we are here to have fun.
21.02.-Misuse the PRO-mail: Insults, Spam or bad words: If you insult or abominate other managers of the game via the internal mail of ProFurgol, after you have been warned before your team may be fined financially because of your attitude towards other managers of the game. Respect and you will be respected, we are to have fun.
21.03.-Spam in the forum: Or incorrect use of the forum, if after being advised you keep your wrong attitude, making a bad forum use, publishing unsuitable issues or don't taking seriously any moderator's advice you could be banned. Respect and you will be respected. We want to enjoy it.
21.04.-Forum Banned: If a violent or rude attitude takes place in a forum, moderators can ban a user for some days or definitely from the game. This action will be taken only to prevent problems to calm the nerves and to stop a bad mood. This ban is only from the forum and it will not affect to the team and its development. If after some warnings a user doesn’t change his attitude he will be punish with this mentioned action.
21.05.-Illegal transfer: This kind of fines will involve deep economic punishments and in many cases they will mean the team crack or some urgent economical measures like selling players. If the fine value is higher than the minimum then it will be applied a percent of the average balance of a team. A rich team or a poor one will receive a proportional economic damage. Whatever illegal transference will be fined hardly and if it’s not the first time you had been advised you could be banned from the game. In any case the amount of the fine will be high enough to give you serious problems. Every manager have the right and the must to advise to his country masters of any illegal transference using the link 'Tickets' and pressing on Managers
21.06.-Informative note: In any case these notes are supposed to be fines. For a better use and information to the game managers, these notes will be treated as they were a standard historic of any manager. These notes are used for taking advises of any warning, for gathering information to make a complaint, for taking notice of a share connection or for receiving any collaboration offer from a user. That is, these notes are an informative tool between game managers and users to take notice about it. It won’t never be public.
My preferences |
22.- My preferences: Here you can change your preferences like your name/nick you want to use, to change your user password, your extra information, your e-mail and issues like type or colour of your t-shirt and all personal information you wish.
Log off |
23.- Log off: Clicking this link you will disconnect your account to prevent that anyone else could change your team features. Remember if you are surfing in shared computers, switch off the connection when you leave free the computer. Specially, be careful in cybers and similar places.
By clicking this link you will log off which prevents your account from people making changes to it. Remember to log off when you're finished with your session on shared computers. Be carefully especially at cyber cafes.
Cup |
24.- Cup: All teams registered in a country will play in the cup. The Cup is an elimination tournament. Only the winner of the match will continue to the next round. The loser is eliminated from the cup. So every week the number of teams still playing in the cup will be divided by 2 until there are only 2 teams left who will fight to be CUPWINNER!!!!
Unlike the league, there has to be a winner in every match. This means that if the game ends on a draw after 90 minutes, 30 minutes of extra time will be played. If there is still a draw after 120 minutes, then penalties will decide who goes through to the next round.
Every round of the cup will be played as a single match in the stadium of the team that had the worst ranking the season before. Only the Final will be played on a neutral field. The local team effect has no validity on a neutral field.
24.01.-How it works:: The first thing to bear in mind are the minimal requirements that you need to pass to be able to participate in the National Cup: a minimum of 8 active teams controlled by humans who have already played a season. The system is very simple, one team plays one match against another and the winner advances to the next round until the final. In the first round of the Cup the first ranked team will play an away game against the lowest ranked team. The second ranked team will play against the second lowest team and so on. The next draw will be random. But the team with the lowest ranking of the two will play at home. Bear in mind that the ranking of the previous will be used and not the actual ranking. In the begin of the new season the pairs will be drawn.
24.02.-Teams who are eligible to play in the Cup: To know whether you are allowed to play in the cup you have to look for the following text:"Minimum ranking to play cup" situated at the information page of your country. This number depends on the amount of active teams and must be a multiple of 2 as 2 teams need to play the final.
24.03.-Financial rewards: Not only will you receive applause from the fans and a "Good Luck"-wish from the board, but the cup also has financial rewards. Every round the winner will receive a bonus as well as 2/3 as stadium income for the home team and 1/3 for the away team. The finalists will also receive a bonus as well as the topscorer. The further you are in the cup the more more you will get.
· Financial rewards |
Cup Champion: | 1.125.000€ |
Cup runner-up: | 675.000€ |
Topscorer: | 180.000€ |
Advance to next round: | 60.000€ |
End of the Season |
25.- End of the Season: After the season a pre-season will begin. This pre-season takes 2 weeks, week 15 and 16 that is. During those 2 weeks some users still have to play two matches, called the promotion/relegation matches ( home and away) furthermore internal processes will be finished as well. During these two weeks the managers have to decide what to do with their youth players, will they be promoted, fired or kept for another season. The internal processes are as follows: Block 1 will be active after the matches of week 14 are played, block 2 will finish the season and last but not least block 3 will open the season. We will explain the blocks more precise:
25.01.-Last match of the League: A few hours after the leagues have ended, promotion matches are scheduled. In these matches teams who try to promote to a higher division will face the teams that will play to avoid relegation. One day later (on Sunday after the NT matches) all the players and youth players(promoted earlier) will be one year older, you could call this one big happy birthday :):). Youth players who are now 20 years old pull themselves automatically.
25.02.-Before the end of the current season: 3-5 hours after you played your last promotion/relegation match the changes will be processed when this is finished the processes of Block 2 will begin in order to finish the season. Topscorers, relegations, promotions and the fees and so on will be processed. ( The promoted teams will be put in a random league whilst relegated teams will take over the place of a promoted team) When this all has finished the new season can begin.
25.03.-After the beginning of the new season: After the economical updates in the country, which occurs between week 16 and week 1 and will last between 3 and 5 hours, we will start processes to create and begin the new season. The first thing that happens is that the amount of fans will be recalculated. Factors like the target set for the previous season, the place of the team in the league and many other factors, decide how much fans you will get or lose. This happens only once a season. After that, the fixtures will be created, whereupon the managers can decide their playing style. The season is now officially ended and the new one can begin.
Negotiations |
26.- Negotiations: Only the contracts of your first team coach and junior coach have to be negotiated. Every 3 seasons you'll have to renegotiate with your coaches (price negotiation and duration of the contract). If you decide to change of coach before the end of the contract of your current coach, then the new coach starts all over again with a contract of 3 seasons.
When your coach has completed two seasons of the contract you will be notified of this with a domestic news to give yourself time to decide what you'll do. When his contract is only valid for another 8 weeks, you will be able to start negotiations with your coach. In the following points we will discuss everything related to the period of negotiating with your coaches.
26.00.-Salary bonus: Each time you renew your trainer contract, his salary will be reduced by 10%, if you agree with his agent.It's a gesture to the club for the faith the club has in him. The second time his contract is renewed you will be awarded with 20% of discount. If you renew hi contract for the third time you will get a reduction of 20% only. This is the highest discount possible.
26.01.-Special hiring conditions for the new trainer: The first team trainers do only have a contract for a period of 48 weeks which is 3 seasons. When the contract is finished, you will be able to negotiate over a new contract. This will cost less than his first contract. If you do not have the money or are not willing to renew his contract, his level will lower with nothing less than 2 levels. (for example from Passable High to Passable Low) His contract will be automatically renewed but will cost you only 50% of what you would pay for a new trainer. If your trainer has a level lower than Beginner Low, he will leave your team automatically. The board will hire a new one but with a lower level ( no team can play matches without first team trainer) . Before this happens, and only in case of enough trust from the board in your trainer, you will be able to negotiate over a contract. You will be informed in time when his contract runs out. You can see when the contract runs out on the trainer information page. The trainer has a contract that lasts 48 weeks. From week 40 you can negotiate with him about a contract extension. Should you be unable to agree with him the trainer will lose 2 trainers levels, does he reach beginner low, he will receive permission to leave the team moreover his contract will be automatically extended by 3 seasons while you pay 50% of his value on the market. ( if you don't want him anymore, you can always fire him). Check the section "negotiations" for more info on the matter.
26.02.-Special hiring conditions will be applied to the new juniors trainer: Youth trainers will only maintain their training level and their training capacity for an amount of 48 weeks or 3 seasons. When his contract runs out you're able to negotiate over a new one, costing you less than a new hiring, but if you do not have enough money or you do not want to renew him, he will lose a level in both his level and capacity. If a youth trainer has capacity for only one youth player, and you do not agree over a new contract, he will leave the club. You will be informed in time if that is the case. You can see when the contract runs out on the trainer's page. This is to remind you that the contract of your youth coaches last for 48 weeks (3 seasons). If you want to extend this contract you can do so starting from week 40. If you do not reach an agreement with him, this may lower their ability to train a player less and also a lower level of training and it will be automatically extended with another 3 seasons, in which you will have to pay a minimum of 50% of the price such a coach would cost on the market (If you don't want him to stay any longer you can fire him before the period expires). And if any of the levels reaches 0 he will receive permission from the board to leave. When negotiating with your youth coach you have a dead line of 8 weeks before you must have an agreement.
26.03.-Factors to be taken into account during the negotiations with your coach: Negotiations are an exercise of expertise and shrewdness to the manager that submits an offer that the coach can not refuse but also leaving the team benefited economically by the renewal of the coach. This means that if your coach accepts an offer you will never know if he had accepted an offer slightly lower or whether the offer was perfect. It's important to take into account that you to have a maximum of 8 offers and if you waste them maybe you have to offer much more than what your employee would really accept for fear of losing your current coach. Before you start the negotiations you have to take into account all the factors that can positively or negatively influence the final decision of your coach and his representative. These are the factors: The number of offers can cause your coach to be more demanding as he sees that the end of the period draws near, confidence of your board of directors in the coach helps that the coach is more tolerant, the minimum offer you can do begins at 50% of what his signing cost you, the level of the coach will also be a factor that can make him more demanding in the final price of its renewal and finally the circumstances of your team can cause your coach to be more demanding or more tolerant depending on the merits achieved in seasons by your team (championships, great results, and so on). As a final point we want to remember that the price depends on all these unique and individual values for each team which makes that the final price of each renewal doesn’t have anything to do with a team and another.
26.04.-Autorenew: If you choose the 'AutoRenew' option you make a higher offer to what your coach would accept under current conditions and when taking all offers into account. This means that this is a very interesting option if you don't want to negotiate with your coach and you just want to renew him, or if it's your last offer and you are so desperate to renew him that you don't want to take a risk. Of course the automatic renewal offer will ways be lower than the signing price and higher than 50% of what he cost you, as well as a bonus that will always be greater than what he really would have accepted, but his representative is the one who sets the price in case of automatic renewal, making the club to pay something more but the result, unlike any other offer, is that the coach immediately accepts the offer and his contract is automatically extended with 3 new seasons, starting from the deadline of his contract but not from the date when he accepted the agreement like with an usual an offer. If you renew his contract when he has still 7 weeks left his contract extension begins at the date his contract would finish.
Move |
27.- Move:
Active from Monday to Friday
The ability to move your team from a Continent-Country to a new Country created after the Continent is now available. We strongly recommend you to read this article thoroughly before you ask questions in the forum. If any point is not fully clear it will be clarified and edited for a better understanding of all Profurgol managers.
This new feature involves novelties that should be explained one by one:
01. When you have accepted the budget THERE IS NO WAY BACK, this means when you have accepted to move to a country by mistake fulfilling all requirements you cannot move back because changes are only active for users from a Country-Continent. The move can only be accepted from Monday to Friday the next week after the last match of each league. The move is only possible when the user does not log in Profurgol.com for the upcoming 3-4 minutes. After that period the team has been moved to the new country.
02.- No team is forced to move to a new country created because this is its country of origin. Even when the country of residence has been created in ProFurgol in the meanwhile. When a German user has already played 3 seasons in the Global League he still reserves the right to stay playing in the Global League. But when he agrees with the conditions he can be moved on his request. Once again: it's not mandatory it's voluntary. He will not be punished when he decides not to move.
03.- The user must live in the country he wants his team to be moved to. (This gets checked) His team must play in a Country-Continent like Global-PRO or America.
04.- The move of your country can only happen in the first week of the pre-season. But you can always check how much you must pay for the move to be able to save some money.
05.- The team can't be involved in any sale or purchase. You can do this prior to or after the move. You can't move if you don't comply with these conditions.
06.- A move means that every player who had the nationality of the Continent-Country, who were not called foreigners, be nationalized the new country of destination, when they have not played any match or been called by the continent-country of origin. This makes it a big change for a team that moves, another factor to take into account the cost of the move to any team. In addition to a movement of fans, as can happen when changing the name of our team, stadium or our region.
07.- The team that moves, you lose all historical data accumulated prize and his team during their stay in the Continent-Country, this implies that we start from 0 but with players who had until now, in addition to the funds, employees and the same stadium, built in the new country exclusively for the team that wants to move. Do not lose anything important as Funds, players, employees, Youth, and also move Stadium fans and their status, except that the economic costs are subtracted as the first point to move, besides the loss of fans who do not want to travel new country. The trophies he has won the team also move with, but not the palm of the team but if the players feel it.
08.- After everything said earlier, it is important to take into account the great movement and change that a team make for moving from one country to a continent-Country, as for example an Argentine team from AMERICA that moves to ARGENTINA. This, of course, brings about economic costs and a decline in the number of fans significantly important reason for all of them commented in Section 5, as well as seeking these teams can play in their country of origin without major problems in this sometimes these countries, and if so, be punctual and in a short time is equal to the free market forces and budget for each team, marked by its division, sporting and economic returns.
09.-All teams wanting to move and accept the budget will see their awards counted in advance, will be a concept more in the budget for the move. The awards for advancement or direct promotion will not be accounted for at the time of move as they are not tangible.
10.- The team must have a minimum of 8 players from same the continent in the Senior Team. When giving an estimate the staff may be moved to our own interest, but always bearing in mind that maybe these great players are more valuable if we naturalize them in our country of origin for sport and economical purposes speaking but everyone can and should do his estimations on how he want to make their move, always complying with established standards.
11.- There may be a maximum of 3 teams relocated in a new league or old league that fills up.
12.- We will explain the accounting for expenses to make a move:
12.01.- The move, as works in a stadium or other investments or options, will have a fixed expense for all teams.
12.02.- Fans will be resentful at a 5% lost by a change as brutal as a team performs when moving from one place, you can compare the changing region within a country, which currently brings in an average loss of 10 % Of the total. This value not only tries to have a base but also a logic based on the effort and dedication that makes a club that really wants to change or region wants to move to another country, these are the reasons on which this losing of fans is based.
12.03.- Naturalization of players in the continent, in short all teams may naturalize foreign players to their teams provided when they meet several conditions, which will be held in public in a few weeks. Besides fulfilling these reasons our player will receive the salary of an entire season for effort swear in a new flag and change their nationality to make the team may have more foreign players. Therefore the removal of a team forced to pay all this nationalization once, at a minimum of 8 players which is what must be fulfilled and a maximum of what we have each team. At no time was there that requires some level, but if one wants to remember how interesting it can be to nationalize certain players but this process is expensive but we as if everything is done with head may be for the good of our club.
12.04.- As changes being made are very important and also very bulky, since the administration we are with the obligation to refuse access to templates and options according to a team until they could complete the move. For example was denied access to bid on players, sell players, anything that might change at some point and the club is important not to change before making the move, or break this blockade lasted only a few days when acceptance and move the request for removal of a team, we ask patience.
13.- As budgets can not be accepted until the first week of preseason, for the remainder of the same you can see and check the budget of your move from the new link which is in Technical Secretary, but it can only be accepted when the league finishes. All values that occur in the budget may change if you sell a player, your possible awards will be only definitive in the budget you see once the league is finished.
National Teams |
28.- National Teams: Starting from the 5th Profurgol.com season National teams will be introduced. It's a wonderful challenge because many players will want their players to be a part of the national team of their origin. Only a few though will make it through the selections. We emphasize that each country will have 3 different teams: A-team (no age limit and no juniors can be summoned), U-21 (no juniors, only players 21 or younger may be selected) and U18 (only juniors can be selected up to 18 years inclusive). Each team will be controlled by the National Team coach and his assistant. The Coach and assistant of a National team do not have to have the same nationality as the country they want to lead. e.g. A German manager is able to control the Belgian National Team if he gets selected by the Belgian users. When selected, the coach will lead the National team for 2 seasons, he will have 8 months to carry out the suitable sporting plan. Only a new country may have selections at the end of it's first season. During these elections users have to select and vote for the managers they want their National Team to lead. We also note that during this first season the national teams will only play friendlies and no official matches.
28.01.-Elections: The elections last for 2 weeks and they are performed in every country every two seasons. The process begins in the penultimate week of the first season or preseason, having a period of 7 days to accept candidacies. Once this period is finished, during the last week of the season and second in preseason the lists of candidates and the option to vote on one of them will open. At the first day of the new season the candidate that has won the elections will be appointed according to the criteria that we will explain later. During the period of candidacies, the candidate of a nation will not be allowed to start a discussion in the forum of the nation you want to manage. Once the voting period has started moderators will start topics to discuss the objectives of each candidate. The candidates will also be able present their point of view in the forum. Any insult or false accusation from one candidate to another may lead GES of that country to remove that candidate from elections. Therefore we suggest to discuss with moderation and explain your candidacy without insulting the others. The GES and MOD of the countries will make sure that fair play is respected, anyone who commits a serious infringement during these discussions shall comply with consequences. Forever is totally forbidden use PRO-mail to promoter or to make spam about one candidacy, the punishment of it is the cancelation of this candidacy when we have evidences about relationships between spamer and candidacy.
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
· All candidacies MUST consist of a manager and an assistant. Only the manager can fill in the ID and the speech. The assistant will have to accept the candidacy to make it official. The manager can decide the degree in which the assistant assists the manager. If the manager decides the assistant is allowed to fully assist the manager in all aspects it means the assistant can nearly do everything except the aspects that are meant for the manager only.
· Any user will be able to run for as candidate for a national team of both national team manager and assistant without being his team of the same nationality as the national team which is presented.
· Every user who wants to run for National Team Coach or Assistant will have to bear in mind that they can only be candidate of one country, no matter which country. Before the elections begin it's possible to cancel the candidacy whereupon both the manager and assistant will be able to take part of the elections of any national team. The manager is allowed to choose a different assistant than during the canceled candidacy as well.
· Only the national team manager can cancel a candidacy before voting starts, not the assistant, so you can run for the same national team or another. The same goes when the voting have already started: only the national team manager can withdraw the candidacy but in this last case there will not be any other opportunity to run anymore, because no more candidacies are accepted when voting begins.
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
· You can only vote on candidacies in your own country. ( 1 vote for each of the three National Teams) You can't vote on candidacies of National Teams in other countries.
· In order to vote you should go to info page of your country. There you'll see links providing access to one of the 3 national teams of your country. When you click on one of those links you'll see a link to view the selection. When you click on that link you can either make yourself candidate or you can choose to watch a list of candidates. If you choose to watch the list you'll find information about the candidate and his chosen assistant, you'll also find a link to the speech of that candidate. To see the speech you must click on the speech link. Once you have made your decision, you can vote for the candidate of your choice by clicking the "vote" button. NOTE: you can only vote in week 16!!!!!
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
· On the first day of the new season, just after the elections period, the winner candidacy will be officially declared and for one week the list of candidacies will appear on a list with the amount of votes they received. From that time on the coach and assistant take charge of the national team. The players that were summoned earlier will be removed to make sure that the candidacy can begin without any kind of obstacle.
Every national team manager is allowed to summon an amount of 2 players a week. ( even when he has not been offered) During the first week you can summon 16 players, thus without the limitation of 2 per week. In this way the trainer can summon players without any limitation.
· The winning candidate will be elected by the largest number of votes. In the event of a tie special rules apply. These are:
- If the candidate has the same nationality as the country he's candidate for, he will be chosen.
- The candidate playing ProFurgol.com the longest will win.
- A lottery will decide which candidate will win the election.
28.02.-National Teams - Requirements:
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
28.02.1-ABS: Only not junior players can be called and without age limit.
28.02.2-U21: Only players that have not passed the age of 21 can be summoned.
28.02.3-U18: Only juniors up to age 18 inclusive can be summoned.
28.03.-Players offered:
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
28.03.1-Rules: In addition to meet the requirements of each type of selection, managers and teams should take into account several limitations when it comes to offering managers the choice of having players summoned and other data of interest.
· You are only allowed to send player data by week and by National Team. If you want to send another player you must wait a week to be able to do it. Except if a National Team has a few players offered and if it's the first week of his national team's manager.
· There can only be 5 players from the same team be selected for each National Team.
· You can only offer players to the National Team if they belong to your team. Only the owner has the right to offer him to the national team manager in order to he makes a decision.
28.04.-National team manager - Assistant: After you have won the elections the National coach and his assistant will be responsible for the National Team for 2 seasons. After this period they can be re-elected but they can also be fired by the administration due to misconduct!
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
· There can only be 5 players from the same team be selected for each National Team.
Every national team manager is allowed to summon an amount of 2 players a week. ( even when he has not been offered) During the first week you can summon 16 players, thus without the limitation of 2 per week. In this way the trainer can summon players without any limitation.
· A player must remain in the national team for at least 7 days before the National Trainer can remove him. Should he decide that the player will be put on a list of players who got removed as well to make sure he can summon him again at any time.
In the following sentences we will try to explain this section in a more detailed way along with its limitations, information to keep in mind and to try to solve all doubts that could appear.
· They may see the qualities of all private players offered by the owners or a direct summoned. This tool is delivered to the trainers thinking about their proper use under the control of the administration. Never a selection could be made for spying or purposes of investigation it's easy to discover such misuse since only the owners of players can offer them. If a player is summoned directly the owner will receive a notification. We count on the help of the community to make sure everything goes correct and to make sure we can react as soon as possible.
· Neither they will not be able to see the number of trainings nor training that follows each summoned player. But sent qualities are not static and whether there is any change in any of them they will be able to see it, but it will not be notified as if they are teams, it is a follow-up work that national team managers and assistants will have to do with their players.
· All national teams are like VIP teams (Press messages, Guestbook, Logo, etc.). Therefore the coach and the assistant will have most of the VIP tools which they can use for the National Team. The VIP options will not be available for their own teams.
· The national trainers have 3 lists containing the nominated players and one containing the officially summoned players. You will have access to the skills of the players but not to the number of coaches and their best games. ( these options are for VIPs only)
The 3 lists consist of one with players offered by the managers, one consists of players that aren't good enough yet to play. The 3th list is an archive with all the players that have ever been summoned.
· One can set the minimum amount of points to manage the player offers depending on the position on the field. Setting 999 points means that no players will be accepted anymore regardless of their position.
· The national team manager will be able to choose the official stadium of the National Team as long as he considers appropriate. The change of the stadium will not affect the current match but the following are scheduled, the change must be before schedule/accept the friendly match of the week.
28.05.-Players: In addition to meet the requirements of each type of selection, managers and teams should take into account several limitations when it comes to offering managers the choice of having players summoned and other data of interest.
28.05.1-Matches: Only players who played the last match in its National Team will be entitled to financial compensation that their teams will receive after each game, as well their experience will increase noticeably depending on the type of match and the national team. As everything in life has its pros and its cons, playing with the national team may affect its form not so much as a match of his team (it can affect positively or negatively depending on the use of the team in trainings and matches, it is recommended to go through the paragraph form in players section, remembering that all players tend to intermediate form values of form), but national teams matches will not be accounted for injuries by tiredness of the team.
28.05.2-Injuries: As well as in any other match, hard or slight injuries can appear on elected players. If this happens during a national team match the owner's team will receive an economical compensation of a 100% of the salary proportional to the days of injury. That means, if a player earns 7.000€ every week and he injuries for 14 days, the team will receive an economical compensation of 14.000€, the recovering of the player, once this compensation has been made, is responsibility of the team and that compensation will be payed at the end of the match.
28.03.3-Call/Call off: Players do not suffer any positive or negative change when they are summoned or called off, just will appear in their card they are summoned by the relevant National Team by having a link to it and its national flag, apart from a note in his track record if it's the first time they have been summoned for that National Team.
28.05.4-Naturalizations: A team be able to nationalize their players if they meet certain requirements as a minimum time in the team, make a single payment for nationalization that depends on her salary and foremost that have NEVER been summoned for any selection of their country of origin. Any player who has been called by any of the 3 national teams from his country can never be nationalized in another country, we do not need to play only to be summoned.